Sunday, January 4, 2009

Not Every New Year comes Happily

This New Years we spent the evening with friends. BL came up from STL and we all headed over to our friends The H's. They had additional friends over - The S's, The V's, etc. etc. Basically people that you all probably do not know, or you might if you go to school with us - even then it isn't the basis of this blog. The basis is - we got together with friends, played games and at midnight blew horns to bring in the year 2009. Everyone that is - except Babers. Babers was very excited to be handed a blower thing. He smiled - he jumped - he went round in a circle - he blew - and NOTHING happened. He looked at AS who was making her horn bleet to the band - he looked at Spidey who was tooting so much we sent him to another room. He blew again - and nothing happened - he blew and he blew and he blew and he blew - and NOTHING happened. So he threw a tantrum. It is all here in this cute, but quick video. If you quite my music you can hear the horns ringing in the New Year - and the cries of those not yet able to make a horn go...........

Happy New Year - Blow Your Horn LOUDLY!!!

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