Monday, January 26, 2009


So the last post is from the 20th and today is the 26th. That isn't so bad - really - if you think about it. Just 6 days since I had time to write something. Only - NOT!!! I think it was somewhere around the 9th or so that I preset all those posts, with the exception of Greta's post - which I did the day she passed, but had come up a few days later into the mix. It has been so busy here that I only have time for facebook - because that is simple - I work (I actually have a lot of my volunteer work on the computer - PTO treasurer stuff, emails to charity places, GS info and newsletter stuff, things for BigGuy) on the computer and emails pop up from facebook - I answer those and then back out. Easy to keep up with people and spend very minimal time. I have gotten past the facebook phase of "looking" at EVERYTHING everyone posts. I am now a scanner and a voyeur. Anyway, this is not about facebook so quit distracting me with that stuff. I was talking about......

OHMYGOODNESS!!! Where did the last 20 days go? Seriously!!!

Girl Scout Cookie sales - are we doing them? Yup, almost everyday. Where are we in numbers? About 500 sold. Most of these are door to door. Are we cold? Damn straight we are cold - it is flipping 4 degrees and snowing most nights. The nights we haven't gone out - 20 degrees. Why? Because that is the way the cookie crumbles - pun totally intended. Are you helping us by buying some? Yes, most of you are - and I THANK YOU! Especially my friend, Mindy C., who has her own blog (click here for her funny witisisms - and so you know I don't care if that word is made up or spelt wrong - keep it to yourself)- her family bought 16 boxes!! Beat that the rest of you. Yes, call, up your order to be higher then hers! Even the millionaire guy down the street only purchased 11 boxes.

What else is going on? Ahhhh.....painting all the main floor......playing with the King (Babers) to make him happy and not scream - even though he now has a bestest friend that he loves........making Pinewood Derby cars - blog about that to come later - and mundane things like feeding the family, cleaning their clothes, not killing any of them.....and then there is the CONSTANT snow (which I love) that has gotten everyone around to the point of not shoveling. You know - at first I felt kinda bad if our front walk wasn't shoveled should someone need to walk to the door. Now - well, screw shoveling snow all the time - no one else is doing it so why should I care if they have to snow cover their shoes to get to my door.

Oh, and by the way - we now have a new visitor policy - Please remove your Snow Covered Shoes as you enter our home. Thanks!!

Enough catching up for now. The King is screaming and the Olders will be home soon. Gotta pre-post some blogs so you all will be (not anymore) tricked by them popping up for your reading pleasure and my own venting release. You know - I am not even going to spell check this..........Talk about living on the fly.....

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