Wednesday, September 2, 2009

And So The Year Begins..........

School Has Started!! We have officially finished off our First Full Week of School.

Both SuperStar and Spidey LOVE their new classrooms and their teachers - and honestly I do too!! We got the exact teacher I hoped for in SuperStar's grade and in Spidey's grade - so let the learning begin!

Everyone of course says to the parents of school aged kids - "Bet you were happy to see school start again" NO.

For the Volunteer-A-Holic the start of school is also the start of all the millions of things that you can volunteer for.........and the sick feeling of an overwhelming pressure.

However, I am learning each year that I can CONTROL this volunteering problem I have....and I have even said "Not right now" to many opportunities that have come my way.

On top of that!!! I have started taking time each day to do something for me. Right now it is primarily a trip to the gym. Although I did invite a woman to lunch the other day - she is my esthetician (did I spell that right? not feeling like googling) - first she ripped the hair out of my face.....then we went for a nice leisurely lunch - it was actually really nice!

So at this point the list of things I have volunteered for includes:
* PTO Treasurer for our elementary
* Girl Scout Leader
* School Girl Scout Coordinator
* CAC Rep for our elementary
* Room treats - but not room parent coordinator (because they were already taken - so honestly I can't take credit for not volunteering for that because I might have)
* Preschool room cleaning
* Preschool Website Support (although Dave is taking the lead on this he says)

That list isn't so bad - right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said... going to lunch with the lady who ripped the hair off your face reminds me of how my mom would invite her gyn. to dinner while she was in the stirrups....