Sunday, September 20, 2009

Old Enough for Boxers

This is Spidey's impression of Michael Jackson - yeah yeah I know it isn't nice to make fun of Those Who Have Passed Before Us - but honestly, when he first did this he didn't say "Hey, look I am Michael Jackson." - BigGuy and I said it - "Hey you look like Michael Jackson." Really Spidey didn't have a clue what we were talking about until we showed him a picture and then he did it a few more times and moved on to another trick. But really he did look like him - only I think Spidey is has a darker skin tone.

And yes.........this blog is about Spidey. See he is now Old Enough for Boxers.

The other day my mother in law phoned to ask what size Spidey is wearing these days because she was shopping for him at the store. I have to stop here and say I Love My Mother In Law. There are so many friends of mine who would rather volunteer to be the director of a weekend daycare program for kids with ADHD then spend time with their MIL - not me - I Love My Mother In Law!!

So she is shopping - and she phones to check sizes - see what Spidey might need (and since we have bought him NOTHING she had really no obstacles) - see if he wanted some underwear and what kind - and to this I did get specific because Spidey wears Tidy Whities and/or the hybrid Boxer Briefs. Always has. Never has asked for anything else - and we get them in dark colors (not white - not EVER white) for obvious reasons (can you say not always fast enough to the bathroom?). And it was done. The box from Macy's came about a week later..........and Spidey was Beside Himself with Excitement over EVERY Little Thing in the box..........and the underwear were.......Traditional Boxers. And I thought "dang I will have to make a return". I really really do not care a lot to go shopping - returning things.....ack that is even worse!

And then I heard..........

"Oh man Nanny gave me Boxers just like Dad wears!!" and he immediately started stipping down to his birthday suit to put on the boxers! Glad we didn't have friends over because I don't think their presence would have really mattered to Spidey - he was diving into his boxers right at that moment - no hesitation.

And he wore Boxers (there were only 2 pairs in the package) for the next FIVE days!! Gross I know.......but what are you going to do when your 7 year blatantly does not listen to you and wears them again and again?

What? Discipline him so that when he is a teenager he pays attention to you the first time you tell him to do something? Oh shoot.......did that wrong then because I bought 6 additional pairs. I mean come on he was soooo cute..........

"I have waited my whole life to be old enough for boxers!"

Now the easy access for "reaching in" and messing with his equipment did have to stop I do have lines that need to be paid attention to. Course even then - we are still working with BigGuy on that one too. (what TMI? - come on your husband does it too!).

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