Saturday, September 19, 2009

I Hate SSs Phone and thereby The Economy Too

First of all - did I spell Thereby wrong? Now I can spell check it.

Secondly - I Hate SS's Phone. See........SS and I have a very tight relationship........used to be at least. We USED to talk on the phone 2 or 3 times a week for about 40 minutes to an hour each call. On some days (when one of us needed extra Hurrah'ing) we would find that we had talked for upwards of 2 hours - but those were not frequent - however, we NEVER had to worry 1 little Iota about anyway...........because we both had Unlimited Long Distance.

Let's say that lovely phrase again - Unlimited Long Distance - beautiful.

Now the Old Ugly Economy has screwed our Phone Affair all up! See SS's husband is working on his thesis paper - or doctorite something or another - whatever they call those things that take FOREVER to write and seem to cause my friends (whose husbands are doing them) to complain (you know who you are MO and SS) about the moments when their husbands are not working on said thesis papers. With JS working on his paper they are being more frugal about their bills. With them being more frugal about their bills they are being more creative about the phone and have decided to follow so many other families and ditch the land line.............wah!!!!!! Because now SS has to manage her cell phone "minutes" in order to talk to me because I don't have a cell phone that will allow us to talk to each other endlessly like we have always done (okay, I haven't known her from birth - but at least for 5 years - 6 years? - no, 5 years I think).

Have I thought about getting a cell phone with the same company? Heck yeah! But BigGuy says that it doesn't make sense for us to increase our cell phone bill just so I can talk to SS. And SS's husband says that SS and I should talk at night or on weekends............Wah!!!!!

So now I can't talk to SS about every bleeping problem I have - and that is hard! Because when I need someone to listen to the most ridiculous thing ever to be bothered by - I can always count on SS to say, "Oh I totally understand what you mean" and not think "damb she is one gigantic loony bird"............wah!!!!

Why does this have to do with the Economy? Well.......I am not exactly certain - but I think it is because if the economy were not a mess then we would be able to talk on the phone because JS would be able to get more funding through the college he is finishing his degree with and they would never have needed to be creative with their land line. Maybe. Regardless.........I have the economy problems for the other things out there too.

So if anyone wants to donate to my SS Needs Funding For a Years Worth of LandLine Phone Bills So I Don't Go Crazy Or Get Called a Gigantic Loony Bird By Someone Else I Make Listen To My Rantings Fund - please leave a message.

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