Friday, September 11, 2009

Oops I Did It Again..........

When was Sept. 2nd? Wait...........what is today? September 11th right - shoot I forgot that today was a significant day too! blog has been lacking a bit because I am still adjusting to the new schedule and my newest duties - and - I have actually been doing things with FRIENDS! Gasp - I is just incredibly crazy to think that instead of sulking at home I am initiating contact with other people during the day and not just in the evening. Yet I have.

Oh, you guessed that because I had not been whining about being lonely? Huh - funny - I am still bored to tears - busy as a bunny, but bored a bit - yet it hasn't a thing to do with friendship. So I guess I could blog about that.

Needless to say - now is not the time to blog. 48 minutes to bus time - 1 hour to shower time - 1.5 hours until Preschool drop off (remember to be thankful for the small and wonderful things - oh, yeah I meant TheKing not preschool (fibbing - kinda)) - then the gym - then pickup - then home - then groceries - then.........well you see how this has been going. Basically - doing things with friends and going to the gym has skewed my blog time. So I will work on that.

And get back on track with the crazy things I have in my head. And the sad things too - because there are some. And the inspiring things - because let's face it - our family inspires people with its actions (even if it is only to not have more then 1 child).

Promise - update - real one - very soon.

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