Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Oh Crap!!

Shoot - I am so sorry...........I worked really really hard on the post that was up this morning and when I went in to write a few more for future dates I deleted it accidentally..........and the next 3 days too!!

Rats - apparently there is no way to get it back either. I had this happen one other time only it was Mother Nature that messed it up................I worked on a blog for a bit over an hour - checking spelling - grammar - many things that I hardly ever do........and then just as I was clicking "publish" - the electricity went out due to the wind storm that was going on..........and I lost the whole thing.

I won't try to recreate this one.....it was long......hard to write......and yet uplifting. I will simply say.......it was about friendship - that there are some great people who embraced us when we moved here - we are thankful for them - and continue to figure out where we fit - that is way condenced.........but true anyway.

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