Monday, July 30, 2007

Monday - has no number

I was originally thinking that I would do another one of those list things - Tuesday Twelve or something - only there are no numbers that start with "M" (well except a Million and do any of you really want to read a list of a Million things? I thought not). So I will still list a few things, but the number won't rhyme with an "M" and I don't really even know what they are yet -

Let's see - how 'bout things we did this weekend? It was another full weekend where it was just us.
1) BigGuy put in a great closet organizer in our bathroom - should have taken before and after photos of all our closets, but here are some afters

2) We went to a Hummingbird/Butterfly Festival held at a nature reserve a few miles out. No pictures, but it was fun. We took Jake and I might suggest that taking a baby and a puppy to any event - let alone one held outside near other people you do not know - is not a fabulous idea. However, the kiddo's begged and Jake did look really pathetic already sitting in the van. Everyone seemed to have a pretty good time.
3) The kids finished the summer reading program and earned coupons for personal pizzas at a local chain pizza parlor. We have been there before, but we will never be taking any of you when you come to visit - not worth it, but explain that to two kiddo's with FREE coupons. Something interesting I am noticing - almost everywhere we go we are bumping into mixed families - either through adoption or marriage, there seem to be many (because it isn't the same people over and over - and yes, I would notice). That is nice and it is probably why we seem to get less attention - although when we walked into the pizza place both BigGuy and I noticed that everyone in the place seemed to turn around and look at us - it was like a Cheers episode (remember that) when someone would walk in and everyone would turn around and greet them because everybody knew their name. None of these people knew our name though - so they were just staring. Dang we must be great looking - or really loud.
4) Due to the kids free stuff we found a local donut shop. Same style donuts as World's Fair in our old 'hood. They have specialty donuts too - orange juice, banana, pumpkin, etc. So now we never need to look at Krispy Kreme - although most of our family does like KK, my personal opinion is they are over priced and under creative. We would take you all there - to the donut shop, not KK.
5) BigGuy took some pictures. Now...........many of you know this story, but on our honeymoon (10 years ago) it was brought to my attention that in the future I would rarely be in a photo. We spent most of our honeymoon doing things and there are lots of shots of BigGuy - but none of me and I would have given him the camera anytime he wanted it. After awhile I even asked him to take my picture (in a sweet yet crabby "just married" kinda of way) - which he did whenever I reminded him again. So this has been an ongoing type thing. I have become the picture person (apparently I take many because even friends have mentioned this) and he occasionally takes a few. The reason I mention this is that this weekend there were quite a few skunks lying dead around our area. Must have been a really bad week for them because within a two miles stretch near our house there were 3. How is this related? of these poor skunks perished on the road behind our house. Surprisingly it didn't smell terribly (figure it must have happened at night). The connection is that they attracted big birds. One day we saw a hawk sitting on a post considering the skunk. SuperStar went out to look at it and it flew away. Then, yesterday as we drove home we noticed that vultures had descended. They probably didn't take time to consider anything and cars driving by hardly bothered them - and as soon as we got out of our car and into the house BigGuy wanted to know where the camera was - went outside and sat on the porch waiting to get a good shot of the vultures eating the skunk - eeeehhhhhhwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!! All those years his photography skills have laid dormant and vultures and skunks waken it? I mentioned this to him last night - that while he never takes pics of the kids or I, he was tripping over himself to take pics of vultures - his response was that when said that way it sounded kinda bad, but he giggled too - we will see if he takes more pics now. Now we know what motivates him to take a picture though. If only the kids and I could attract more vultures in our pictures.

6) Finally, and this is stretching it in "exciting weekend stuff" - We had our first movie night. It was a Tim Allen film that the kids are watching over and over still (no Santa), but it was nice to be finally settling in and starting our old traditions (movie night) here in our new home. We like it here much more then we anticipated - road shows and all.

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