Sunday, July 1, 2007

Where are the Kids?

We had great movers and in the four days we spent with them they kinda became those family members that you never really see and it takes awhile to get comfortable, but once you are everything is good. They showed up on Monday - packed our entire house - then on Tuesday they were starting to pack all our things into the truck (it was everywhere, house, porch, sidewalk, truck, yard) and they did most of it this day - then on Wednesday they returned and packed the rest of the truck. Our house took an ENTIRE, very long, semi truck. That is a lesson in learning to better use the Yard Sale events - oh, and that when we move back you all had better plan to help. If we don't have professional movers I am not sure we could do it. We are still taking things to the Goodwill and Salvation Army. Anyway, on Thursday when we were unloading the truck in our brand new neighborhood you hear the trucks horn blowing - and it is really loud. The driver allowed the kiddo's to get into the truck, look around the inside (as a fan of CMT's Trick My Truck I totally understand the interest) and honk the horn. It was kinda like a signal to the entire neighborhood -
"The really noisy neighbors are here!!! Everybody look - they have arrived!!"
Really though - the kids loved doing it and I think the driver was enjoying it just as much. No harm, the neighbors are still being friendly.

So........everything is unloaded, we fed the moving guys and they were headed back to Columbia. We are sitting in the kitchen with my mom and we all kinda look around. It is pretty quiet since the moving noise was stopped - but there wasn't even the sound of the kids. So we start talking about where the kids are. Look out the window - nope, not in the nicely safe and fenced in yard - listen to the ceiling - nope, no one upstairs bouncing around - listen for the basement echo - nope, no one downstairs - then it dawns on us, they are in the front yard playing. We all kinda look at each other and realize that in our old neighborhood we never would have let the kids play in the front yard. Too much traffic, the cars were moving way too fast and there really wasn't any space. Here there are hardly any cars - tons of space before they even hit the road (not that the baby doesn't keep testing this thought) and even when there is a car it is going slowly. Very nice. Of course, we have learned that when it rains we get water in the ravine between the street and our yard. Spidey Boy has figured this out too and can be found after every rain playing in it. Spidey's friend enjoyed this too. They were soaked, but happy.


Morgan said...

That's what I say everyday since you moved away--"Where are the kids?" I look out my front door in the morning and look for them climbing into the minivan. I look out the back door at the sandbox. No one there. An empty yard, an empty house.

Well, road trips are in the future for me. Road trips to Bloomington, Il, to visit you. The kids can't forget us--their nona and popo.

Bronwen said...

Congratulations on the recent move! I am so proud of the whole family. I know Bloomington will love welcoming such a wonderful family to town! BTW - This is an awesome site!! You did a great job creating it, sis.

Love you,

Franchesca said...

OK, yes, I missed the beginning of your blog, so I went to peek around. When we moved to the suburbs, we had the same kind of revalation. I miss the city, but I wouldn't trade our yard and my children's sense of ownership over it for the world.