Wednesday, July 25, 2007

4 days to a Weekend

Our Iowa in Illinois day actually occured on Day 3 of our weekend visit (yes, we had 4 days to our weekend - inflation you know). Before we kicked back with out of town family we ran around visiting all our other family and a few of our friends (sorry to those we didn't get to see). We knew it was "not so bright" to try and see everyone - yet we did it anyway (we laugh in the face of caution) - and we were fairly successful in at least following the plan we mapped out. Still we are now in serious recovery, but it was worth every minute. We saw Nona & Popo, Papa & GrandmaJ, our Original 5, AuntB & UncleR, Grandpa O, the Iowa Clan, a christening and party & made it to Six Flags (photos to follow another day). By the visit to Grandpa O's we were exhausted (with 2 days left to go) - yet the kids were able to swim at my sisters house until 11pm (energizer bunnies). I guess the anticipation of going to Six Flags is enough to keep anyone going high speed for days (well, not me or BigGuy - but anyone else maybe). There are more pics then these - they can be viewed on the Kodak Gallery site.

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