Thursday, July 19, 2007

Thursday Thirteen - it is Thursday right?

Honestly I have no idea what this means - Thursday Thirteen - but I see it on other blogs and figured that the idea is to list thirteen things of some particular topic. BigGuy and I have been discussing "differences" between here and city living and I thought that could be the topic -
Thirteen Things that are Different
13) Starbucks appears to be more popular then religion here - or Starbucks is the religion here (as I am sure my friend CC would admire). For 160,000 people we have 7 Starbucks and countless other coffee shops (many near the 2 full and 2 half colleges).
12) Organic is everywhere. It is also everywhere in the city - but primarily in WholeFoods, TraderJoe's and that other one. Here is seems to be just what is for breakfast. We see the crop dusters - what are they dropping if everything is organic?
11) People like to wave to you from their garage. I believe this is a safe haven for people here. Some will wander down the drive way to say "Hi" in person, but most of our neighbors wave from the driveway and we would not be able to pick them out at any of the Starbucks if we bumped into them. In the city you could hear your neighbors breathing while they were in their own house you were so close - so you waved and said "Hi" personally. That was nice.
10) We can see everyone weather. It is so flat here (yes it is a rolling flat - but flat none the less) that we can see the weather everywhere. Freaks Spidey out because anything that looks like rain makes him whimper. Although he appears to be getting over that as he and his sis were jumping on the trampoline, in their swimsuits in the rain a bit ago.
9) We wash more bedsheets here. Due to the large amount of visitors we have. You all never stayed overnight at our old house and we could go weeks - don't tell Oprah.
8) We wash our car here - ourselves - in the drive way - on a Sunday. At our old house we would never have done that for fear of being hit by someone driving quickly down the road - we had no driveway - and Sunday was always booked with a million things to do.
7) No one is ever in the stores after dinner. Really. It is eerie. You walk around and there are so few people there that the helper people are actually dying to help you. My friend, SS and I had to beg a guy at HomeDepot to stop helping us he was so helpful. In St. Louis people shopped all hours and you had to bribe the helpers to help you.
6) The movie Children of the Corn is real here - there is so much corn that the kids can't get away from it. The most often seen crop in our old area was.....hmmmmm....
5) Speaking of which - The Children's Museum is full of combine things, grain counting games, fake corn, fake cows with milking machines you can operate and other agriculture related "teachings". Yes, there are other things and yes the kids do love the place anyway - but in St. Louis the Children's Museum had tons of things that related to tons of different areas.
4) There are a lot more deceased things on the side of the road. In the city it was common to see a squirrel, sometimes a cat, a every once in awhile a dog - but out here we see those less often then skunks, raccoon's, deer (we even saw a deer hit a car), and a deceased baby piglet. Give me the squirrel's any day.
3) The Road Rage here is amazing!! Isn't a country setting supposed to be relaxing?? As mentioned - there are a lot of coffee shops and we think the residents here are drinking far too much caffeine because they can not handle the slightest driving challenges. We have personally been flipped off about 5 times (cumulative) and although a few were for trying to drive the wrong way early on - some have been just for being on the road driving. They are nuts here. In St. Louis people cut you off, but they don't honk and then flip you off.****I have to amend this - in St. Louis this weekend we saw one person throw something at another persons car - breaking the window and then leaving the scene of the crime - maybe I would rather be flipped off****
2) The festivals are not as colorful. I have yet to see a Pagan picnic or Gay Pride parade announced. County Fair - yes - Blues Festival - yes. International festival - nope.
1) We spend more time with our family and friends. So far at least - seriously - you all come visit and you are forced to spend more then 24 hrs at a time with us. In St. Louis you were able to escape after 2 or 3 hours. Many of you have spent 3 days even - that is something that is great because we have more quality time with you.

And that would be our Thursday Thirteen.

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