Sunday, December 14, 2008

He Might Believe, but does He Trust?

We were wandering around the local Walmart the other Sunday. Spidey had to spend the $75 gift card he received from his popcorn sales. While we were there someone approached us and imformed us that Santa would be arriving soon and we should have our photos taken with him - for FREE. FREE is something I am always interested in and even though we all looked like something the cat drug in (although ours are indoor cats so it doesn't really relate) we thought "hey, FREE" and off we went. Santa's set up is not as elaborate at Walmart as in the Mall - no winding toy land to look at, no big ticket pictures to choose from - just all of a sudden in the middle of the isle there he is - on an obvious plank covered with black fabric and a cardboard backing. Very....uh....Walmart. Again though FREE!!

The Olders know that this is not the REAL Santa - just a guy who is there to scope the kids out and figure out what they want for Christmas and report back to headquarters. This is why the Santa's we see vary in shape, size, age, color and so forth. Babers isn't quite to that realization yet though so he was a bit put off about going up to see him. Last year he had nothing to do with it - and the first year it only happened because on my 3rd try he was asleep. Anyhoo - SuperStar was up in a flash - reported in - smiled and then grabbed a candy cane. Spidey was up next - reported in, although slowly because he had to really describe what it was he meant (there was no line and this Santa had literally just started so he didn't mind the long hesitation in description) - grabbed a candy cane and left.

Now, as you can see - Babers wasn't sure about the whole thing. He didn't want to go over - in fact after Spidey he still didn't want to go and we let two other little girls go first. Then we decided not to wait to have him decide, I picked him up, plopped him down and stood RIGHT NEXT to him while touching him on the head for reassurance until the picture was about to be taken. I am just to his right and he is leaning in to get ready to hop off toward me - which he did as soon as the picture was taken. He at least understood what happens in the picture deal - with all the photo shoots we seem to do lately. He didn't even tell Santa what he wanted. He did hesitate long enough to take a candy cane - two of them - looked back at Santa, held up the candy cane and said, "This from Santa. Open pease."

He doesn't trust that guy. Maybe he can tell he isn't really Santa, but doesn't get the "report in to the Big Guy" status he holds. Maybe next year. Still - good picture.

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