Tuesday, December 2, 2008

What I like about Winter

Seems that not everyone likes winter. I don't get it - yeah, I hear what they say - "It is dangerous to drive in the snow or ice", "It is too cold", "They hate to bundle up in restrictive clothing", "There is little sunlight", "Can't go outside" - blah blah blah. I like winter. I like summer, fall and kinda spring too (spring is a little too squishy for my real liking - constant floor cleaning it bothersome). Winter gets a bad wrap though.

My good friend, MC, pictured above blowing out her bday Pumpkin Bread cake candles, started complaining about winter as soon as the temp dipped cold enough for her to need a jacket when she did her morning walk. She and I differ on all counts (pun intended for those in the know) about winter. I love it - she hates it. The only thing we agree on is the "gray" skies can get overwhelmingly depressing. If only snowy winter days could be like they are in the movies - snowy, beautiful blue skies and super cold with a fire and a big old mug of something warming - which brings me to something I like about snowy days...........

a nice cup of something warming. Irish Coffee.....mmmmmm....Okay, I will fess up - generally I don't put any Irish Cream in my coffee on snowy days, but this time I did and I took a picture of it to make it look like I am sophisticated enough to do it all the time. Really........well I was rooting through the cabinet looking for the things to make the kids some from scratch cocoa because we didn't have any instant and I ran across this from last winter - I already had some coffee made so I thought I would give it a go. Heard that whiskey can help a cough out and I have been coughing for 5 days now. Didn't help my cough, but it certainly warmed me up a bit and it was tasty.

So back to what I like about snowy days - well..........they are beautiful. It is just gorgeous the way the snow seems to erase the no longer blooming landscape and replace it all with a gorgeous landscape. It makes you want to stay home, play games and snuggle. It really is transforming.

Another thing I like - well, for some reason the kids think that BigGuy is the only one capable of building things in the snow - so they beg HIM to go out with them. No one appears to think that I might be of any use in building things in the snow - so I am left alone. It becomes my task to bundle them up and lay out some dry warm clothes for when they come in. Prep some type of body warming treat and then sit - inside - alone - to do whatever I want - for at least 30 minutes - while my absolutely gorgeous husband frolicks outside with the children. How great is that?

However, I have still not gotten over the absolute joy of having a garage. While all that stuff is dumping outside I am sitting inside thinking about how just a little over a year ago I would have to scrap my car off while standing in the freezing weather. I LOVE THE GARAGE - and the fact that if I need to go somewhere I just walk out into the "Heated" garage, jump into the car, open up the door with a button and drive away...................gotta love that!

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