Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I have never had a Guilty Pleasure

I have never had a Guilty Pleasure........until now - and even then I wasn't aware that it was a guilty pleasure until I realized that what I was enjoying others were fibbing about enjoying.

The whole thing started very innocently. One friend is a vampire book freak and she mentioned that the books she read were coming out as a movie - but that the books weren't that great so she wouldn't be going (however, she had read all 4 books). Not being a vampire book addict the info went in one ear and out the other. Then I noticed that several of the pre-teens were reading the books backstage during the musical SuperStar was in. Then my nieces came during xmas break - they had the lead guy from the movie in as a cover face on their phone. Then I noticed the few young girls who are my friends on facebook were leaving notes about how great the movie was. Then I mentioned all this while at coffee with a few friends when we were talking about books. One friend had the first two books in the series. Not wanting to buy them I asked to borrow. She agreed and dropped them off the next day. So I began reading them. Within a day I had the first book done. Easy read - written for teens (no offence to any teens reading, but lets be honest - a vampire boysfriend? Not the stuff classics are based on). I even thought to myself how goofy this was and that the next one would have to be better - and I DID WANT TO READ THE NEXT ONE - although I couldn't figure out why - perhaps a magical spell is cast upon those books and you are forced to read them even if you don't want to.........I mean, if you believe in the possibility of the story plot a book having a magical spell that compels you to read it Could Be Possible. And since the book was there AND was free - I started it. Two days later I was done with it.

Now I was looking at the dilemma of where to find the other two. My original friend who read them didn't own them and didn't admit to reading the next two - the person who borrowed them to me didn't own them and since she is really smart I assumed she didn't allow herself to buy more (which made me wonder if I shoul)- another friend I mentioned reading them to made me feel silly because they were silly books - so I offered to lend the first two to her in hopes the magical spell would hook her and she wouldn't be able to judge me (not that she was). I was beginning to realize that my interest in these books was not completely acceptable - these were books based on a love affair between a teenage girl, her vampire boyfriend and her werewolf friend. Secrecy was probably in my best interest. I did first look at the library, but my concern of being "outed" by the librarian held me back from requesting to put one on hold - and honestly I just wanted to read them, so putting them on hold wasn't what I wanted to do. So I bought it from a legit bookstore, but I will also admit to pretending the third one was for my neice. The fourth one I just bought outright and bold. Thinking about it before I bought the last two I counceled myself with the thought that they are basically a Disney movie put in book form. Girl can't take care of herself, falls hopelessly in love, he is supernatural, he keeps saving her, she has a friend who is an animal that talks to her...........although they are also in love, which makes it a bit more adult. So why would I want to read them?

Now, I will admit that reading it reminded me of what it feels like to be hopelessly in love and fantasizing about someone - which made me look at Dave with sparkly eyes again (we all still have that silly first love feeling inside I guess). Too bad he had the stomach flu. The only thing that I could think to make myself feel better - was that the person who turned me onto these books is also an educator at the college level and I admire her. However, when I offered her the books I had purchased - she was not quick to take me up on my offer - perhaps she had seen the light, realized how utterly ridiculous these books were and chose not to read the final two - turns out, she only hesitated to make sure that I understood the "conditions" in which she would read the last two in the series - I had to PROMISE not to tell anyone how much she really wanted to. Happily I agreed - but what she doesn't know is that I did it so if anyone ever teases me about this Guilty Pleasure - I can point to her and say "she read them too".


Me said...

So what would this make Jake exactly? I put it on his Christmas list and after reading the first one he HAD to have the next one and the next one and the next one. He was dead to the world until he finished. Now he's in mourning because he's finished the series.

HalfPint said...

That is TOO FUNNY!!!! I have not heard anything about Men Wanting to read this series. So - out of curiosity - who does he identify with?