Monday, September 21, 2009

Speaking of Inappropriate Peeing Problems

We were speaking about inappropriate peeing problems - weren't we? Hhmmm.......well maybe that was a few blogs back......or maybe it is just me talking to myself - regardless at this point if you continue reading you will be too.

So TheKing has pretty much COMPLETELY (angels singing and a high pitched choir say......."aaaaaahhhhhhhh") mastered the art of the Potty. He can pee in the potty whenever he wants - opens the door himself - flushes - even has the nerve to wash his hands until caught (no one is going to blame H1N1 on him). Same can pretty much be said for his Pooping on the potty - opens the door himself - pulls his pants down himself - does the business - wipes (kinda successfully) and then washes his hands for an hour. The only real difference between the two acts is that he always is certain to announce the pooping one because he is certain he deserves a treat.

Honesty - I can not blame him - I wish someone gave me a treat everytime I pooped. Shoot I would be happy getting a treat everyday I was having my "Mothers Nature Visit" - wait.......who am I kidding - I do give myself a treat every day I am having my "Time". Really it is completely necessary for me to have those treats because it keeps everyone else in the house alive.

"Where is the problem?" you may be asking yourself at this point. Well....I know there are accidents and that they are to be expected this early in the game of Being Successful Using the Potty - however, me thinks that the accidents happening around here are not the "usual" kind. Like the other day..........

"Time to take a nap TheKing. Do you need to go to the potty first?" I asked as we walked into his room to change into a pull up for sleeping.
"No I peed on that book." and he pointed to the book laying on the floor.
"You what?" I said thinking he was kidding or I was not understanding his words correctly.
"I peed on that book." he said yet again pointing at the same book.
The book was a big chunky board book and it didn't look at all wet - so I picked it up and found out just how wrong I could be as pee dripped on me - and in reflex I dropped it, "ewwwww that is just gross!"

Carpet cleaned up we talked about it and forged forward....and a few days later we went through the same type of thing......
"Time to take a nap TheKing. Do you need to go to the potty first?"
"No I peed on the floor."
"You what?" Looking around....."where on the floor?"
"Downstairs in the living room."
I put him to bed and checked - sure enough he had pee'd on the floor in the piano room. So I cleaned that up. We had a talk about it later - and he said he "just felt it coming" and so he pee'd on the floor!!

What is he thinking? Oh, he is 3 so I guess he isn't really thinking at all.


mjblaze said...

Were we speaking about inappropriate peeing problems?!?!?

HalfPint said...

I am ALWAYS speaking about inappropriate peeing problems - just you wait my dear!

Franchesca said...

You can take this for what it's worth, but I had to draw the line when my oldest peed on MY bed. Same thing, young enough that accidents were expected, but I just KNEW that there were times they weren't accidents. We both knew. So I made her a deal. If she was ever on her way to the bathroom, I would never ever spank her for having an accident, but if she peed without even trying to get to the bathroom, then she earned a spanking. I made the rule up on the spot after she peed on my bed and the look on her face told me it was very much intentional (she didn't want to stop watching her video). I very honestly pulled her off my bed and spanked her right then. Then I made her go to the bathroom to double check and make sure she was done and then I made her come back and help me change my sheets. I'm happy to say, once that was in place, she never received another spanking for the same reason. In hindsight, I don't think it was quite fair that I spanked first and explained afterward, but I really did just KNOW that it was defiance, pure and simple.