Saturday, September 26, 2009

What Would Jesus Recommend?

I always think it is funny when friends or family (who are not Catholic) do not want to attend a service at our church (which is Catholic). Like their churches are sooooo much easier to follow. Well of course they are easier to follow - they are YOUR church - a place that You are used to, feel comfortable in and really enjoy the people around you. For us - well we are more comfortable at OUR church - we don't much understand karaoke hymm singing - is that to save money on books? Where is the bouncing ball? Sorry - tangent.

My point though is - of course people are comfortable in their own church - it is what they are used to and what they enjoy. We feel the same exact way. And going to one Catholic church is in no way like going to EVERY Catholic church. We have tried just about every Catholic church in the area. There is one that we did not go to because we heard it was kinda very conservative. So we knew we would not fit. In STL we went to a very old and established BEAUTIFUL church. Very liberal Catholic church. We loved our church. We loved the people there.

The whole thing was hard to replace. And it took us a bit over two years to pick one here for good. But we have. And the very first day we decided to go there - see we had been there before we moved and loved the people, but it was huge and new and someone who worked there admitted they had very little diversity - so we didn't go back until recently - anyway..........the very first day that we went to mass we walked into the church - the Nave (look it up) - the Holy Water is located on the left of the entrance in a very large pool - it resembles a wishing well really - a large square pool with 4 divits that flow water down kind of like a waterfall and then goes under and back into the main pool to be waterfalled back out. Is that confusing? is a giant wishing well looking Holy Water pool. Got it? So we walk into the Nave and Spidey looks at the Holy Water pool and sinks BOTH - not a finger, not a hand, but BOTH his arms all the way up to the middle of his forearm - into the Holy Water.

Now, at the time I wanted to be mad at him for so carelessly splashing a third of his body into the Holy Water.......however, in our church in STL the Holy Water was kept in small little fonts attached to the wall and you dipped your finger in..........the Holy Water was easy to see. This really looked like a Wishing Well - so it was more funny then horrendous - aside from the fact that the others people (whom we were making an impression on) didn't seem to be thinking the same thing - at least not by their facial expressions. So I yank Spidey back out of the Holy Water and initially say, "Shake your arms to get some of the water off" and just before he does this.........because I immediately thought "bad idea" - not because he could get people wet (which would have been smart)...........but because I thought "What Would Jesus Recommend?".........and it dawned on me Jesus would think, "That boy needs as much Holy Water as he can get on his body." and I changed my instructions to, "Rub that Holy Water all over your face and body." Spidey looked at me like I was nutso......but he didn't question me and rubbed the water all over his body. Problem solved. On lookers stunned a second time. First Impression made. We are totally joining that church now - if for nothing else - comedic assistance. Tah Dah!!

So needless to say.......Catholic churches aren't any more simple for Catholics then they are for those visiting from other religions - granted you don't have to karaoke, but you can easily be tripped up by the Holy Water.

What do you think Jesus would have Recommended?


Anonymous said...

Hm. I would bet if you took 2 unchurched people & sent 1 to your church & 1 to mine - where the words to the song are on a PPT - the person who came to my church would know exactly what to do because everyone - even if you aren't Methodist - does everything - even communion as long as you believe in Jesus = & the ministers remind you what to do. When I go to Catholic church I am never sure what I am allowed to do (especially after my bro was in trouble for taking communion there). However, I enjoy the ritualistic side of the Catholic church. By the way, I am sure you are right about what Jesus would say to Spidey. He may have even told him to jump in!


Franchesca said...

I love it.. I love what he did and I love your response. It's something I struggle with. I grew up incredible uncomfortable in my own church. Some of that came from the fact that there were a lot of double messages from my family versus the church (ex. my mother knew what we were suppose to do, but said she didn't agree with it but that we had to pretend we did in front of certain people.. so I ALWAYS felt like I was doing something wrong) I try not to trickle that inherint guilt down to my children. They simply don't feel it in our church and I am incredibly grateful for that. But it is a constant struggle for me to remember the Jesus I love in the church that I call home and forget the disaproving looks of people (imaginary or real).

HalfPint said...

Catherine you are right - it is much easier to do Karaoke versions of hymnals then to have to figure out how to open a book - and if they can't figure out how to open a book then they probably won't be able to figure out how to kneel and stand and such. So they are probably not going to fair well in the Catholic church. is just as confusing for us as you in the church.....but it isn't scary.