Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Take no offense if your kid is a Dino freak - or a Thomas freak. However, dinosaurs and trains just aren't on my list of "Interesting Things to Know Everything About". I was perfectly THRILLED that the first two kids did not take an interest in either of these topics (Cars would be included in this list). However, child #3 is Totally Into Dinosaurs - and even better - Thomas too!! We have been collecting Dinos for about a year now - and Santa brought a Great bunch of Big Dino's that stomp and roar. Babers birthday brought some little dinos that just hang out. Birthday parties brought a few more.

We now have Dinosaurs Everywhere In Our House.

Seriously - literally - big, little, stuffed, bumpy, dry, wet - all types!!

You can't walk down a hall without seeing a dino on the floor. Today on the way to the car there was one lying on the garage floor. Babers looked down and said, "What dat dinosaur doin' dar? He lost from his momma."

That is when I realized that for weeks I have been snapping pictures of dinosaurs doing things in the house. Drinking from the pet bowl, hiding under the table (or so Babers said), watching tv - snuggling under a blanket even!!, using the computer. Babers has them doing all sorts of fun things. How long does this last?

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