Sunday, February 22, 2009

This Boy is Just Weird

So the other day I am in my craft room - door closed to keep the 3 year olds out (like there are a ton of them) - and I hear a "knock knock muffled sound tip over bang knock" at the door. Figuring it was a 3 year old due to the nature of the unorganized knocking - and tipping over bump against the door - I said, "Come on in" - knowing full well that there is one of those door knob covers over the door knob and it would take the 3 year old another few minutes to realize that he couldn't actually open the door. Although he should know this because there are sooooooooo many doors that have these covers. I know - it isn't nice to trick a 3 year old, but you need to understand that there just isn't enough time in the world for me to list of the billions of things he does to me everyday right along those same lines. "Mommy I need you..........." and I go to find that he doesn't really need me - he just wants to convince me he needs another gummy bear vitamin even after I have told him a million times already 1 vitamin a day. "Mommy there kitty poop............." and I go only to find that he really wants me to reach up and get the Thomas tank I put up out of his reach because he launched the metal f*%ker at my head earlier in the day. So don't judge me - this extra minute I buy myself letting him realize yet again that he can't actually open the door is due to me!!

So we are at the "knock knock muffled sound tip over bang knock" at my craft room door. I say, "Come on in" to hear more buffered banging against my door and then, "I can't reach it." This isn't my 3 year old it is my 7 year old. He is certainly tall enough to reach the door knob - so he must have his hands full. Reluctantly I get up and open the door to see what he needs.....................and this is what I greet........

Well......originally he is actually tipped over onto the ground because he was trying to reach his arm/leg up high enough to attempt to open the door. Which - as you can see - was going to be impossible since he had his stretchy shirt on as pants with his arms and legs tucked through the arms of the shirt. After I kicked him back onto his side and nudged his butt up he was able to take his froggy posture.

We both giggled terribly about the fact that he couldn't move well and his butt kept popping out of the bottom of his shirt/pants. But the funniest part was when Babers came over, looked at him, said something that sounded like, "You are weiurd." and pushed him lightly causing him to tip back over and fall onto his back with his arms and legs up in the air. Babers then sat on him like he was a butt chair. It made us roll even more. That is when we took pictures, but Babers wouldn't sit back down on the butt chair. Go figure.

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