Wednesday, February 18, 2009

This Is How We Do It

We are goofy. No doubts about it. We are proud to be goofy. And we have fun. I am the room parent for Spidey's class this year. Plus we help out in what ever way we might be able to in SuperStars. It is not always an original idea - but usually we try to share an idea that will be remembered. This Valentine we were recruited to do the Games in both kiddo's classes. Well, being room parent in Spidey's we were not actually "recruited" so much as there was no one else so we did it. In SuperStar's class we volunteered because the room parent there had already done it the other 2 parties.

What game did we play? Well, we borrowed an Oldie, but a Goodie. Originally introduced by MO at a MOMS Club picnic sooooooooooooooooo many years ago (ohmigoodness can we be together long enough for it to have so many "o's" in so?). Then used in SuperStar's first Kindergarten party. Bobbing for Donut's has always been a hit!!! And it was yet again on Valentine's Day in both classes.

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