Sunday, February 1, 2009

We Have Only Yet Continued to Begin

There is so much being said about racism - how it is now conquered because we have a new President and that because he is not White we have finally embraced people of Color and equality for all. Perhaps we have Begun embracing the thought of equality for all and Begun embracing people of all Colors. But it isn't done - and Don't Fool Yourself that we are really far. Because we aren't. If you are White then most likely you think that we are further then we are - if you say things like "I don't see a persons Color when I look at them" then you are probably further behind then you think - although your intentions are in the right place. If you "Don't See Color" then you aren't really seeing the Person. You are Erasing a large part of Who They Are. To TRULY See a Person You have to See ALL of Who They are - All Of The Person - including their Color - their Heritage - their Ethnicity.

Why am I thinking of this? Probably because every other day I hear (primarily from the media - reported by white reporters) that our new president signifies that equality is in the air. Then yesterday - after my youngest son, who is African American, vomited in the car as we traveled home. Yuck. We had run out of wipes that day - we did not have a change of clothes - we had to stop at the next exit. The car stops didn't have wipes and certainly didn't have a change of clothes (although I would have settled for wipes and bundled him in his unsoiled coat and a blanket to save the cost of a new outfit). We hit the nearest Walmart. This was a relatively small town. Very rural town. Not that I am giving excuses to them - just painting a picture. We looked nice (minus the vomit - that you really couldn't see because it had sunk in). We were dressed nice. Our hair was kept. Our faces were clean. Our shoes were nice. As we entered I noticed that we were being stared at. Not just stared at - you know how in movies a pretty woman will walk through a room looking really great and everyone "turns" their head and gawks - flattering of course. Well.....that is exactly what was happening. People were glancing - then focusing on us (mainly on me and my youngest son) and then turning as we passed them and continuing to gawk. Now......I would like to think that they were looking at me in my stunning new red coat that flattered my complexion and hair.....Might Have Been........Could have Been........But It Wasn't.

I don't mean to put thoughts into their heads - it isn't fair - I shouldn't judge. However, it was so blatantly rude the way we were being stared at - and the way a few people actually Moved Out of the Way as we came through while staring at us (these were older women) - that it felt unsettling. It was uncomfortable. I have pretty much started to numb myself to these acts of "kindness" - but there were so many stares and moving out of our way acts within the 20 minutes we were there that it was simply scary. I know that our son will have more experiences then I will. I hope that he will have many less experiences then generations who came before him. But I am certain that he will have unsettling experiences. We are not done in the process of embracing All People of All Colors..............We Have Only Yet Continued to Begin.......

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