Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Don't You Wish You Hit Like a Girl?

Here is our other ball field kid. This is her first year playing too - although she would swear it wasn't - and technically she would be right. She did play t-ball when she was five years old. That was almost 5 years ago though (Ohmigod! 5 years ago!) and as much as I love her..........I don't think she has been carrying over the skills they taught her then.

When practice and games first started a few weeks back she spent a good deal of her time bent over scratching in the dirt. The big problem being that she couldn't hit a ball all that well and the feeling of dread at the plate carried over into her fielding. She wasn't too far behind Spidey's example of doing rain dances in hopes the games would be cancelled.........only she never fake vomited her dinner to get out of a game. Then - gosh I think it was about 4 games ago - SuperStar was asked to play the catchers position. She didn't hesitate. Stood up and I helped her get the gear on. She wanted to do it herself so I kinda stood back and watched her attach one leg pad to the other - then when she couldn't walk because her left leg was attached to her right leg she allowed me to help. I fully expected her to cover a bit as she played the position...........but she surprised me.....she even took one to the head without flinching. Said it didn't hurt because of the gear (which I know made a dif, but I have been catcher and I know there is a sting to that).

Since that game she is all in. There are other girls - who have played for years - that strike out and have a hissy fit right there. Throw the bat down, cry even (which kinda surprised me a bit) - not SuperStar. The other day at pre-practice she wasn't watching and a girl hit a ball that hit her right in the head. Both coaches kinda rushed out to her, but she shook them off - said it only stung. Now she is being played around the bases and loving it. I think catcher will be her spot though. She balances without falling and it is the only spot that she seems completely engaged at. Her batting is even getting stronger - last night she was excited that she didn't just "strike out" - she hit two foul balls first. When someone can be exited to hit foul balls - realizing that it means they are starting to make contact better..............well it just shows how great they are!

1 comment:

mjblaze said...

Love it! That was my spot into high school. At least she's engaged and likes it and that's what counts:0)