Thursday, June 11, 2009

So How Exactly Mr. Baseball does this little man look? Perfect right? With his blond hair peeking out from under his ball cap and his somewhat fake smile because the pic is posed. He was so excited to pick baseball as his summer sport - 3 other kids from his school on his team (one is CH - a bestest friend!) - and a few boys who were on his basketball team. Perfect fit for a first time player.


This boy dreads going to games. Dreads it. Prays for rain. Will go so far to not have to play that one we drove to the game and because he hadn't eaten yet I stopped to buy him a hamburger from the Irish Clown Place. He is eating it.....teasing his little bro............drinking his juice........and all of a sudden I hear a vague (not real, but fake sounding) retching noise in the back seat. Then when I am at a stop sign he says, "Mom I just threw up." in a kind of pathetic sounding voice. So I look back not sure what to expect since I didn't hear a watery splash or anything...............and he is holding his burger wrapper with a chewed up piece of burger spit back out onto it. "Are you sure you threw up?" I asked in an obviously not believing you kind of a voice. "Yeah, I totally threw up" he says in an upbeat kind of trying to convince me he needs that second piece of candy for his health type kid voice.....and then slows down to an I don't feel good voice and says, "I really don't feel good. Oh........I guess I won't be able to play on the team tonight." and does his best pathetic face.

Course I knew what was going on, but your heart kinda goes out for him. How many adults do I know that start exercising because it really is the best thing.....or take a class that will give them some stress relief......and then quit a few weeks in when it isn't exactly what they thought they wanted to do - or it is too hard. Adults quit all the time. Spidey doesn't get to quit though. He keeps playing because we want him to grow up and follow through on what he commits to - and because we paid for it. Poor guy. So we are working on ways to get him to love the sport (when playing it).

Got any suggestions? We are totally trying everything.

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