Monday, June 22, 2009

What are People Thinking?

Many of you know that I am on Facebook - havent' taken to Twittering and doubt that I will. It is all I can do right now to keep up with SuperStar, Spidey, TheKing, baseball, softball, swim lessons, exercising, eating healthy, BigGuys softball, camps, pets, dishes, laundry and summer reading programs (just to name a few). But I do keep up with Facebook. It has been a really fun way to keep up with what is going on with friends and family. Heck, I probably know more about my neices and nephews now then I ever did before. I can see who CuznZ is dating.......the pics for CuznM & CuznD's trip to Europe.....what my friends in STL are up to....and the unimportant things that they are thinking about (which is what friendship is all about - sharing those unimportant moments - I am serious). Plus it is easy and quick......just check in for a minute and then check out - no long drawn out phone call (not that I am one to shy away from a long phone call......just there isn't as much time to chat for extended periods when all the kids are home on break).

So the summary is......Facebook is a fun way to stay connected and find friends you haven't seen in years - which bring me to this........

I have found HighSchool friends that I haven't seen for years.......and some that I saw in HighSchool, but didn't really know well. It has been very fun....informative....and sometimes hideously painful (just being honest). See my friend, RG (seen above in the cheerleading pic) and I are heading up our HS reunion for next summer. We began "collecting" highschool friends in emails and facebook. Honestly....most of the time spent was done by her - she is a real investigative bulldog when it comes to seeking people out and then bugging them until they join Facebook. As we did collect people we started catching up with them (duh - whole point right?) and I found out that some of them have some very different views from me. Which - in general I can accept. I can have friends that don't agree with my views. Not a problem. I can even talk with people about their different views without getting upset (for the most part).......but some views just don't make any sense at all.

A simple for example.........
Someone posts about how thier hubby ran out of the house shouting he needed to buy some ammo because there is a shortage....
Another person laughed and said their hubby is the same way.....
Original person said their hubby will run out if the popcorn is out because he needs to have his popcorn......
Another person laughed and said their hubby is the same way......
Then another person said something about the ammo shortage being made up by the media and that it is a way for the gun companies to get people to buy ammo now.......
Then another person said something about how they wished the government would spent more money on helping people in poverty then worrying about how much ammo is available.......
The next person went back on that person and said that guns are important....that we all have home owners insurance, health insurance, life insurance...all types of insurance and having a gun is the same

What? Let's see - We have used our home owners insurance (a few times in our first house) - We have used our health insurance every doctors visit - We haven't used our life insurance yet (thank goodness)....but we have never needed a gun....not even during the 10 years we lived in a metropolis that had lots of crime.....not even during any of the few altercations I had with teens in the 'hood that I should have been worried when I confronted then......and we never felt we needed one.

So I made yet another mistake of saying that to this goof. And he began qouting statistics of how very imortant it is to own a weapon for our own protection (especially since the Democrats and Obama are ruling things - what???). When I suggested that for every stat "for need of guns" you can find a stat "against need of guns" he balked and said I couldn't and that his stats were basically holy because they were created by the company that the NRA uses.

Well....duh! Why would the NRA use a company that doesn't support what they are trying to sell. And that is when I realized I need to back out. People who rant like this really aren't interested in looking at any side. They are just looking to be right.

And that is when I began to clean Facebook House. Not deleting anyone - I mean some of the ranters also post fun things - but not often - so I have "hidden" them. This means I see less of what they have to say - and it seems to be working.

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