Monday, June 8, 2009

My Life - 2 Steps Forward

There are numerous entries on this here blog describing my need to unclutter the activities I get myself involved in. Not that I would really want to STOP doing any of them - but that for my own Sanity and the Safety of those around me on a day to day basis - it is just a good idea for me to scale back on my extracurricular committments.

However, I don't post as much about my sucess at doing this. So it probably sounds more like I am just piling more and more things on top of the things I am already doing - instead of really looking at the things that I do say "not right now" to. A lot of times I don't even remember saying "not right now" to things...........because I am so focused on keeping the things I have said "sure I can do that too" to that I don't have time to pay attention to the Forward Steps I am making.

The other day I was reminded of my over committing at the Girl Scout office. As SuperStar was making her purchases (using her Cookie Dough from cookies you all helped her sell) and I was re-registering our troop for next year- CF (our former GS CRC - figure that acronym out for yourself) came into the room. She looked up and said, "You know HalfPint I had to laugh the other day."

I smiled and looked like I had no clue what she was talking about - so I said, "What were you laughing about?"

She said she remembered my original application form to be a leader. See often times - since leaving the full time accredited world of careers - when I am filling out forms and it asks what your job is I put one of the following -
Family Agent - my job duties include managing the careers of children and spouse to be successful in the world around them.
FEO - Family Executive Officer
Volunteer-Extraodinaire - you name it and I can accomplish it.
Volunteer-a-holic - seeking support group to help turn my life around.

My thought is - might as well have fun with the form. What will be the expense if they think it is inappropriate? They won't let me volunteer. Would that be a terrible thing in my case? Nope. And you one has ever not mentioned what I wrote and said they appreciated it.

Anyway..........CF is telling me that she was entering in payments for various items the GS have received them for (she has moved on to bigger money related community things - I don't even know her acronym anymore). As she did she noticed the payment from our elementary school after use of the GS Camp nearby for a 5th grade event. It was - of course - signed by me, the elementary school PTO Treasurer. For the GS Office I am a Leader, a School Coordinator, one of the ppl they call to sit in on forums they need opinions for - and the leader that calls to ask Question after Question after Question because she is planning something else for the girls to get involved in. She remembered my original claim on my form of Volunteer-a-holic after it only took 2 days for my background check to come back clean (fastest they ever received apparently - due to the fact that the ppl at the background check office probably know my name by heart - I can see how it goes there - one lady is rifling through the forms for approval that day and says to the lady sitting next to her, "Hey, here is another background check form for that crazy woman HalfPint. Doesn't she have a personal life? Someone ought to get her into a volunteer-a-holics 12 step program. Save her ass.").


However.............all should know that in just the last 2 weeks I was asked to -
* Head up a committee in TheKings future preschool - and I told them "not now thanks."
* I was considering starting a big campaign dealie thing to help fight our districts current re-districting choices - and I told myself "not now thanks." - although I will be helping, just not heading the steamer.
* I was asked to be the Lead Coordinator for the GS office to line up community volunteer projects for the troops to do jointly - and I said, "flattered, but not now thanks."

And guess what happened!? The world didn't implode like I thought it might. I have been shocked. The people that I said "no" to didn't stop talking to me. The events continue to move forward - just not with me stressing about them.

I am so proud of me. 2 Steps Forward - without a step back - yet (I mean let's be realistic - proud for this accomplishment, but still........we all know I will say "yes" to something eventually - just hopefully this will help me say "yes" to a more realistic amount of somethings).

Yea Me!

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