Saturday, June 6, 2009

SuperStar has become very very smooth about her delivery. See.....although the dwindling of my waist line has ended, the exericising has not - neither has the TALK of eating smart (however, the practice of eating smart was sidelined by a little depression and self pity). One of the things that I like to have around when I exercise are magazines. I do believe that I professed my love for magazines in an earlier blog. So you know that we have lots of them lying around. An exercise love I have (besides biking) are elipticals. ARC trainers and this other one that I have no idea what the name is - are my two favorites. However, I get totally bored just standing there and working. Music helps me with the tempo of my motions - just like the stats show upbeat music will.......but still I get bored. The machines all have mini TV's on them - but I can't watch TV - slows me down and you have to listen to the TV and then I can't hear the music and I start to slow down................and there is where the magazine is helpful.

I can't read a book while bopping up and down on an eliptical machine. Some incredible people can - I can not. However, I can look at magazines. The simpler the article the better - Self, Women's Health, Parenting and People are my top 4.

One day I was laying in bed reading a book. The above magazine cover was laying in my bedroom near my workout stuff. SuperStar has begun to leaf through the People and Time magazines laying about. She picked up the People magazine and laid down next to me and began reading. Not but a second later SuperStar says......

"Look at this lady Mom."

I book marked the book and looked at Valerie Bertinelli in her bikini (she worked hard - good job!). "Yeah, impressive isn't it? She worked hard to be healthy again."

SuperStar says, "Yes, and she is old. I bet you could do this too since you are so much younger and have more time before you die."

Now..........I am pretty certain that was a compliment at this point. I am younger then Ms.B.....and SuperStar knows I like to work out...but just to make sure I say, "What do you mean?"

SuperStar looks at me and says, "Well, you could make your body look like this and wear a little swimsuit. I believe in you."

So it was a compliment. I thanked her. Then she said that she wanted to work with me to eat healthier. Seemed like a nice offer. And then she hugged me and said, "I love you."

Not being able to forget about the compliment and the conversation - I decided it was time to start being serious about setting a good example. We aren't doing any fad kinda diet thing or anything........but we are being more serious about what we are eating. We are eliminating things that are silly to have on a daily basis - including things we see as a sacrifice not to have (ice cream for me - soda for BigGuy) and preplanning things and portions better. So far so good.

All because SuperStar believes in me. And Valerie was in a picture in a tiny bikini (which even if I become that small I will NEVER be wearing - at least not in public).

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