Friday, June 5, 2009

Funny "I am Bored" Story

Where are my pictures? Well......the batteries on my camera are dead and my recharger is dirty and won't charge things. I am cheap and won't buy a new one until BigGuy looks at it - and for 2 weeks he has been promising me he will.

I think I will just go buy one this weekend. I am going nuts without my camera.

Funny story - side tracked.

So this past Tuesday was the Last Hour of School. As many of you know - it truly was the Last Hour of School. Our Last FULL Day of school was Friday the 29th. Then we were off Monday for teacher planning and then on Tuesday they went in from 8:15am - 9:15am. One hour.

Why? Funding. Simple enough. The Monday the district could then charge for teacher planning - and if the kids show up for at least 1 hour on Tuesday they can charge for an entire day. And so they do. Pain in the tuckus honestly.

Funny story.........this is where it comes in. SuperStar stayed home on the last day with a tummy ache (stomach flu bug going around). Spidey went and asked me to take him (lots of parents go in this day to avoid the bus time) - so I did (it gave me a chance to check to see if there were any PTO checks being requested at the last minute too). All was well.

After leaving school we went to a local Mission to drop off some summer clothes that everyone here has grown out of. Spidey was very sweet - jumped out and helped to load all the bags into the truck they had. Then we went home.

BigGuy left to go to work (he had worked at home to watch SuperStar and TheKing). The kids settled into the excitement of school out. Watched a movie. Tidied their rooms. And then Spidey found me and said, "I am bored."

Really? It has only been 2 hours and already you are bored? Really? Thought the novelty of summer vaca would last longer then 2 hours!!

I offered up lots of thoughts - take out trash, read a book, tidy the bathroom, put away your clean laundry, play in the yard, and then no interest. I had an appointment with my anesthetition at 1pm and told him he could come along if he was that bored. SuperStar was planning to stay home while TheKing napped (it isn't far from the house and she is getting old enough to keep an eye on a sleeping bro - can you believe that???).

Spidey was happy enough to come along...........until we got there and he saw what was happening. He was standing next to me as Jackie put the wax on my face - he had tons of questions - "is it hot", "why are there two colors", "does it burn you" - he was going on and on with questions - and then she placed the fabric over the wax and ripped it off. He squeaked - ran across the room to the chair, sat down and - from what Jackie could see, seemed a bit faint. Took a second to himself and came back beside me. Took my hand - interlacing his fingers in with mine - and began stroking my arm with his other hand - asking new questions like, "why would you do that?".

Jackie and I kinda laughed a bit to ourselves and explained that some women don't care to have the hair on their lip - and like their eyebrows smaller. Ben said we were both beautiful the way we were (of course we were also both nicely plucked) and that we didn't need to torture our faces. Of course - then he said, "Can I see you do that again?"

As we were leaving he said the next time he said he was bored he didn't want me to think of something fun to do. And swear to goodness - a few hours later he came to me and said, "I am bored Mom." so I started to make a suggestion of something we coudl do and before I could finish my sentence he got a panicked look in his face and walked away. I caught him reading a book a minute or so later.

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