Thursday, June 4, 2009

Where did it go?

Where did it go? What am I looking for? My interest in writing funny things that the kids have been doing - and let me assure you...........they are doing some dog gone funny things - and sweet things too. Maybe this is just summer time adjustment. End of the school year craziness and beginning of baseball and softball readjustment............or maybe I am blog burnt.....

Nah.........still love the blog....guess it is just that I am finding it hard to sit still....

See - prior to the kids being home TheKing and I had a nice set up. It went something like -
- Wake Up (me)
- Throw in a load of laundry
- Check the Email
- Get breakfast started - lunches ready for everyone leaving the house
- Wake olders up to make sure they are ready for school in time
- Get olders on the school bus
- Kiss Cute Sweetie as he leaves for work and remind him of the million things he should be remembering
- Wake TheKing up if he isn't already - and only if he has to leave house for preschool or other activities - otherwise let him sleep
- Phone Shannon
- Let TheKing watch some cartoons while I tidy the house up quick
- Check email
- Head out to whatever (preschool, volunteering, exercise - whatever)

Now it looks something like this -
- Wake Up (me)
- Throw in a load of laundry
- Check email and notice that NOW kids are getting up early enough to disturb my flow - they can now sleep late and not worry about a bus - what is up with that? Put off checking email.
- Start pushing feeding of pets because the summer rule is no tv until pets are fed
- Put out breakfast fixings for everyone
- Get TheKing up and started - olders are watching their favs so he can't watch his morning cartoons - interceed as he tries hitting them to get his way.....wish I were checking my email......
- Tidy house up a bit.....
- Go to finally check email and realize that the house is ALREADY a mess........
- Call olders up and explain the summer rules again - pick up after yourselves - when you leave an activity put it away b4 starting the next
- Listen to the olders complain about boredom
- Make suggestions as to how they entertain themselves with chores - watch as they run away
- Think about phoning Shannon and realize that is unrealistic as the kids will interrupt us
- Go to check email and hear screaming as TheKing vies for attention of the olders.....

and it is only 8am...................

We will figure it out - the new routine - and camps will start up giving us a focus - we will sign up for the reading program and it will eventually get warm enough to go swimming..........until then I will get creative.

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