Saturday, March 27, 2010

Droppin' Like Flies.......oh how the mighty are falling.....

Did you know that apparently we are allowed to have Sunday's off during Lent? Have you ever ever heard that? The kids came home from religion class this past week and announced that they were told Sundays are a day off from whatever you gave up for Lent. Now I have heard this before, but just excused it as silliness of a kiddo trying to figure out how to get around whatever their lenten promise to God was. Only apparently I was wrong.

SuperStar explained that there are actually 46 days during Lent and you are only giving up for 40 days and 40 nights - if you count all the Sundays between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday you have 6 - thus you get all the Sundays off. Hmm......

My first thought was I am cashing in the Sundays of observing Lent by eating Girl Scout cookies for 4 days. Then I realized that was wrong.......right? I mean that would be wrong......right?

The kids rejoiced. However, they have hardly been sacrificing. They were droppin' like flies within 2 weeks. SuperStar was eating chocolate within 1 week. Spidey really had put a good deal of effort into it at first. Whenever a treat was offered he brought it home and stuck it in the freezer. He has a whole shelf of "treats" in there saved up to eat on Easter. He is going to be sick as a dog on Easter if he eats all that stuff and his Easter basket treats too.

I have stayed strong - with the exception of the Mint Jubilee. That was last Saturday. Instead of eating sweets on Sunday I swapped it out for Saturday. Our GS council held a fundraiser and I assisted my friend who is a chef that partcipated. There were 12 chefs who created desserts using GS cookies - yummmo!! Except after not having had sweets for 4 weeks the next morning I had a sugar hangover that rivaled any night out drinking from my "pre-kids" years. was awful. I was sick all day. And I hardly at any sweets really. this point the kids are hardly observing their "no sweets" Lenten promise. SuperStar phoned from school one day asking if she could have the sundaes her teacher was giving out as a treat. Another day it was St. Pat's cupcakes (how is that teacher so darn skinny?). Spidey got candy at religion class (but he stuck it in the freezer) and cupcakes for St. Pat's too. And the leprechaun left some chocolate gold for them. Overall though they get it - they totally understand the word "sacrifice" now and we have been able to have many conversations where we related it to the sacrifice Jesus and God made.

That is the real point right? The since I totally understand I can go eat those Girl Scout cookies right?

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