Thursday, March 11, 2010

TheKing is slowly killing my love for Paul Simon....

You know how kids pick a music that they like and then they listen to it Over and Over and Over again? Yes, I will agree that some adults do this too - get a new CD because of one song and then listen to it Over and Over again.....but they eventually listen to some of the other songs too. Not TheKing. Spidey and SuperStar had the ability to listen to songs over and over too, but not like TheKing. TheKing will listen to the same song for a week. Which means you are in the car traveling around listening to the same song for a week!! And he will completely notice that you have changed the song even if you are being sneaky and set it up to happen when you get back into the car and think that he won't even notice that you have changed it because being a 4 year old He Should Have Completely Forgotten What Was Happening Before He Got Out Of The Car! No, not TheKing - he remembers - and he will make your life a living hell if you try to slip something like that by him.

Recently his weapon of, I mean musical choice.....has been Time Warp by the Chipmunks. Yes, I typed that correctly. See when we got our taxes back we took the kids to the store and let them each pick out a CD. TheKing - with Spidey's insistant help - choose The Chipmunks (a recent version, but not the Squequel - like most of you care - shoot like I care to know the various Chipmunk CD's on the market today - and this is why I am fairly good at trivia). As we are listening to the various songs (which are mostly remakes of songs you would recognize) Time Warp comes on - in all accuracy only in Chipmunk sound. BigGuy and I thought it was fairly twiste d that the Chipmunks would have done a remake of Time Warp - what with the "pelvic thrusts" causing such a sensation and all.......and we listened along with TheKing and kinda giggled because I hardly thought what would happen next actually would happen, but I heard TheKing say...."play that one again Maudy (his name for Mommy and Daddy - he combines us)". And so it was that I listened to Time Warp by the Chipmunks for at least 1 week - to school - from school - to the gym - from the gym (I considered giving up the gym because of this - okay fibbing). My inner parent was torn about the Chipmunks singing Time Warp and my outer parent was sick of listening to it Over and Over and Over again.

So one morning I slipped in a Paul Simon first TheKing didn't say anything and then he realized the voice sounded normalish....hey that couldn't be the Chipmunks singing Time Warp and just as he was about to throw a full tantrum I remembered that his absolute favorite movie (as of late), Zathura (if you haven't seen it a MILLION times you really can't appreciate it), ends as the credits role with the song Love Me Like a Rock by Paul Simon - which was on the CD - so I fast forwarded (ew my age is showing - you don't fast forward a CD)to that particular song hoping to get the fit turned into a treat because he would Love Love Love that it was the song from his all time favorite movie Zathura. And I did - he smiled from ear to ear - announced how he knew that song as if I did not know that song - and then settled back to listen to it. And when the song ended I heard those dreaded words, "play that again Maudy" - and foolishly rejoicing I did. Then Over and Over and Over. I now know that it takes 3.5 Love Me Like a Rock's to get to preschool - 2.8 Love Me Like a Rock's to get to the gym - and 7 days of Love Me Like a Rock to make me want to listen to Time Warp by the Chipmunks again.

TheKing is slowly killing my love for Paul Simon......

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