Tuesday, March 30, 2010

How Does The Snowball Happen?

It seems that often things that are "simple" become much larger then expected. Snowballing so to speak. The other day I found this picture as I was looking at different things on Stampin' sites. Very cool - I have wanted to do this forever (or at least 2.5 years - which can seem like forever if you can't find the objects with which to create it). This wasn't the first time I saw this........a few years ago I found it in a stamping magazine in an organizational article. LOVED IT! Went looking for the pieces. (this is now a little flake of snow) I knew it was Kitchen organization stuff so I went to the local hardware stores and explained it....they looked at me like I was describing something totally foreign. BigGuy tried - he came back with the same look, but I don't think he really knew what he was looking for as I "described them" to him and he didn't see a picture. (this is now gathering more snow - maybe a small snowball marble) We went together thinking the hardware store people might show better respect if a "man" was there (yes, stereotyping - sue me). Nothing still.

And my dream kinda faded off.

Then I found this picture and the person SAID they got these from Ikea AND they were only $2 each there!! AND it was Spring Break and we could make it a fun adventure!! (this is now almost softball sized) BUT BigGuy pointed out that it was 2 hours away and we would pay more to get there and back then we would to have them shipped. So I checked that - but they didn't ship these items. BigGuy didn't want to go..........so I was stuck. (this is now melted a bit to a baseball sized snowball) He swore they have them in local hardware stores - I challenged him to find them - he spent hours searching - no dice. So we looked for other places that might carry them and did find them - for $25 a piece before shipping. Ikea was way cheaper, but the drive was not in BigGuy's budget.


She totally agreed to buy them for me - and did!! (this is now a bouncy ball sized snowball!) I have them!! I went to put them up just yesterday and realized..........they come without screws. What the heck? No screws? Which meant I had to find 8 matching screws that fit - BigGuy said I would need to go to the hardware store (ack). Instead I waited til he went to work and then sorted through his tool box - he hoards screws and stuff - certain we can use them later - and we do - but he really has a MILLION of them. Found 8! (snowball is getting BIGGER) Went to my craft room to put them in and realized that I wanted to wait for BigGuy so that I can be sure to secure them into the wall right and not mess the wall up. I can do it, but I wanted to make sure I did it right. Then I remembered the DIY show we saw about hanging cabinets - and thought hmmmm......if BigGuy is helping me hang these rods he can help me hang the cabinet I have stacked on a shelf that he has promised to help with for a few years now. And he did agree. (and BIGGER)

After the kids went to bed (or they were pretending to be in bed anyway) he came to my craft room and we looked at how to hang the rods and how to hang the cabinet. This is when the snowball started to get out of control. BigGuy asked me if I really wanted the cabinet hung on the wall.......we looked at the ceiling fan and realized it wouldn't fit so big (snowball is now person sized) and that it would only be a temporary fix and I wouldn't actually gain any space or organization. Then he suggested that we build a wall shelving unit against the far wall of my craft room to suit my needs (like we have done all the closets - I draw the way they should look and he builds them to spec - he is super good at this). BigGuy insisted that we make these the way I want them now and that way I will be happy since this is supposed to be my Oasis. How cool is he? (snowball is now getting to be car sized and driving away quickly).

Now I am creating the drawing for the shelving unit we will put in my craft room - reorganizing the kids items in there - reevaluating how I am going to use the space - and then we will put everything together..........but my totally cool rods are still not hung......and the Snowball is gathering speed.

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