Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Legend of the Families Leprechaun

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!
About 5 years ago we were visited by a Leprechaun. Our morning started with some plain old cereal. The bowls were poured and the kids went to the table with them. Then they were called out of the room and when they returned the cereal was gone - only empty bowls remained........and a Gigantic box of Lucky Charms sat there!! The olders (TheKing was just a twinkle in our eyes at the time) were beside themselves crazy excited!! See we don't usually buy name brand cereals. I went into the kitchen for the milk and something hit me......literally - hit me! The kids ran in to the kitchen to find me holding a jug of milk - that had been turned GREEN!! Magically.

That afternoon the Olders and I were attending the St. Patty's Day Parade in DogTown with other MOMS Club friends. As we were driving there chocolate Lady Bugs flew through the van into the kids laps. Magically. The kids were amazed and after we were parked they wanted to search the van up and down for the culprit who they were sure must be somewhere under the seats.

The parade was a long one so I had packed a lunch for the kids - PB&J, Pineapple, Milk and some Vanilla Yogurt. ALL THE FOOD HAD TURNED GREEN!! Magically. All the items in their lunch carry's were green - PB&J (apricot jelly), Pineapple, Milk, Yogurt - everything! They were giddy. Other kids were drawn and excited too wondering what might happen to them. Other moms were rolling their eyes and glaring at me. Not seeing any of this as being Magical, but more as a green pain in their Blarney Stone.

The day rounded out with a few more chocolates Magically tossed at them. And a Legend was born. Through the years our Leprechaun has moved with us.......each day starts with a box of Lucky Charms, we have received cupcakes that appeared from no where. He has taken photos of himself next to TheKings sippy cup. Written letters. Turned off lights on people. Moved things about. But in general he just kinda surprises us. This morning I found Spidey dashing from room to room looking for things the Leprechaun might have done. He found Green OJ, Lucky Charms and nothing else. He went to check the toilet water...........really? that one surprised ME....and then came back to get the disappointingly white milk for his cereal - only when he poured the white milk as it came out it Magically turned GREEN!!

What Magical thing happens for you today?

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