Friday, March 5, 2010

Now I can REALLY Volunteer for Stuff!

So here is our families newest addition. Not that the entire family can use it......but eventually after the shock of cost and newness happens I am sure they will sneak on.

BigGuy is slowly working on me to become more "hip" to computers. It has been his secret wish for years now that we can wire the ENTIRE house so that computers will run our world. Probably the Professional Computer Geek gene he has. Kinda like I have a Counselor Save The World gene and am sure I can help every single person in need if I only try hard enough (and give up my personal life in the process). Still BigGuy is very slowly getting his wish. I now text people (which he giggles at). In fact I almost prefer to text because while it might take a few seconds more to do......I can be done as soon as the text goes through. No residual talking. Not that I don't like talking - many of my friend can attest to the fact that I can keep them on the phone for an hour easy (right SS & CB?). However, on my cell phone I really don't want to talk very long. I am still a reluctant cell phone user - if I am not at home I am doing something..........and it really isn't the best telephone time.

Now BigGuy has succeeded in getting a laptop into the house and causing me to start to really like it. He is even so sneaky that he insists this is MY laptop - for ME to use doing all the tasks that I take on - and HE will not use it much as he has a work laptop and our home computer. For whatever reason that makes me mildly uncomfortable. I have seen how the kids scramble to make certain no one touches their DS - will I become that way? Yikes.

So I have to admit - BigGuy got me excited about the laptop. We have had it about a week now and I have already taken it out on a work date. The kids had religion and while they were in class I sat in the church library and typed away at my CAC report. Then on another day I was able to take it outside while TheKing played in the backyard and work on questions for a chair position in a group I am in. Even now I am in the middle of the kitchen overseeing morning rush - where before I would have been too far removed from the kids to do this at the same time. I plan to take it out of town this weekend so I can look up directions if needed - and check facebook probably too (hey, just being honest - CB get a facebook account please). In fact now I am thinking of the MILLIONS of things I can use MY laptop for - in the kitchen with a recipe up that I can easily read and work on......on our trip to NewOrleans to look for fun things to do while BigGuy is at his our PTO CAC........maybe to read a book - ah scratch that, I love books too much to add to their disappearance.....

So BigGuy is winning me over to his techie ways and Blue (we named it) is a new part of the family.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, good. I'm glad you mentioned my name when you were talking about talking. I was getting a little worried from your blog I was talking too much the other night!