Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Explanation Please.............

So everyday we work on Potty Training. Well.......okay not everyday. Wish I were a better parent and I could honestly say EVERYDAY. Unfortunately I am not a better parent and I work with my child on Potty Training when I think about it. Fortunately that tends to be More Times then Less Times. Maybe that makes me an Average Potty Training Parent. As we do this - and it is working really well for the most part - I am finding this weird disconnect that TheKing has with Potty Training. Different from the Child #1 for certain - A Bit Different from the Child #2. These are the ways how.

A) He teases me about potty training. Seriously. He will come around a corner and say, "Daummy (this is his name for me - it is a combo of Mommy & Daddy - Dave is Mauddy - which sounds a lot less like Dummy lucky him - anyway back to TheKing)..I need to go pee on the potty." And EVERY TIME I show the enthusiasm you are supposed to about the new pee on the potty experience - only he, as I am running excitedly to the bathroom, will say, "Jusssssst kiddin you." and begin cackling. I don't tease him like this.

Sheesh. The other two didn't do this.

B)The other two did NOT want to sit on the potty ALL DAY LONG like he does. This seems incredibly unfair to me. BigGuy should be the one potty training this kid because he DOES sit on the potty all day himself. Not me - bathroom time is a waste of my time. I want in and out. TheKing wants to have a party - everyone gather around - lets all sing songs and wait for the non-existent pee to arrive.

I hate this part of potty training. So I fake hear the pee - which apparently makes TheKing want to create it - and it appears - cheers - claps and a gummy bear for everyone - thank the heavens we can leave the bathroom finally!

C) This child's weird disconnect is underwear/pullups/diapers or anything that covers his butt. IF he has a pull up on - or underwear - he will not initiate going to the potty. IF he is completely butt naked on the lower half of his body - and Mother Nature calls...............he will ON HIS OWN go to the bathroom and use it. Then seek me (or someone) out and tell us all about it. Seriously!! And......he is always telling the truth!! The problem with this method - then when we put his underwear back on - he pees in them. Sheesh!!!

D) He has to be entertained while waiting for the delivery to arrive. The other two just kinda sat around, read a book - although Spidey did whine a bit - SuperStar was more like me, on the toilet off the toilet. Here is another example - made this morning - of what we do to entertain ourselves (FOREVER) while waiting for him to pee...........

Now........today.....since we had some down time.....and he had already pee'd through two pairs of undies & shorts.......we let him be butt naked awhile. I kid you not - within 15 minutes of being bare tushied he walked into the bathroom unattended and POOPED!! For the Love of Cupckakes!

My only dilemma now is how do we get the preschool to accept that our little boy needs to be naked in school, but that he is totally potty trained?


Franchesca said...

I love that you have this immortalized. *grins* Looks like graduation party material to me...

mjblaze said...

I've heard that the naked butt method is the way to go....will be interesting, though, once he's in middle school.....