Tuesday, July 14, 2009


So BigGuy gets a lot of guff for Forgetting Things - mostly from himself, but I give it to him too. Plus I tease him about things like the earlier post and what not. So I thought it important to post something about how Great He Is too.

He is really. He will spend hours in his head and not notice what is going on around him. But he is always thinking of us. And he will drop anything at a moments notice to help us out.

Example - and it is funny that this example would come up because when my Dad and stepmom were here we were talking about companies not being friendly to family needs (although BigGuy and I did say that his company is very flexible and family friendly).

Tuesday morning - BigGuy is off to work - a few hours later it is time for me to take the Olders to RockClimbing Camp at a local cool place (because it is oh so cutting edge cool here - seriously, you just have to look for it) - kids go out and load into the totally cool family van - I trail behind picking up every item of thing that they forgot (which is Everything mostly) - get in the very cool family van and.................Nada..........Nothing.............Zilch...........Zip

The van is dead dead dead dead gone.

The Middle Son is whimpering............."what are we going to do now? we are going to be late" and he says this like he is a person who is ALWAYS worried about his timeliness to which the inside of my brain begins to cackle hysterically with laughter.

After quieting my brain - I order everyone out and into the front yard - and I phone BigGuy. Tell him what is going on and he says he is headed home. Now......since I do worry about my Timeliness all the time we have plenty of time. BigGuy is 10 minutes away - the camp is 15 minutes away - and it is 30 minutes until camp starts. So we are safe enough. TheKing has swim lessons scheduled for just after rockclimbing camp drop off is. This is what I am worried about getting to.

BigGuy swings in - kids pile in giving frantic instructions to him to "get there in time". And he does. Then he takes TheKing and I home and we try to charge the dead battery.

No Luck. So the battery comes out.

Then he takes TheKing and I to the gym for swim. He takes the battery to the store to have it checked - then buys a new one because it is passed on into the past. He comes to the gym and watches TheKing do the Front Crawl (seriously - he can now do the front crawl about 10 feet!).

We leave - pick up the Olders from camp after watching their last 30 minutes of the day. Swing through and pick up lunch for everyone. Head home. Have the meal together.

And he heads back to work. Where he stays 2 hours late to make up for the time he lost making certain everything worked out.

How many husbands would NOT have done that?

How Lucky are We?

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