Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Our Poor Poor Jakey

We Love Jakey - really we do - but I have to say...........I have never met a dog with OCD until Jake. He has it bad for his blue ball - so bad that he has played with it until it has pretty much cracked up and fallen into pieces. If you have ever been a lucky visitor to our home - and spent time on the back porch know that Jake has a serious thing for his ball. He will flop it at your feet and expect you to pick it up and toss it. If you should choose not to toss it then he will pick it up and drop it again - then crouch down as if you were about to hit him - only it is really the stance one takes while standing at base waiting for the next hitter and totally prepared to jump off base and run. And this is EXACTLY what he is waiting for............he is Certain that you will be throwing that ball at any second................any second...........wait..........aren't you going to throw the ball?...............sad pathetic dog look (and dang he is the cutest dog ever).........and finally you throw the darn thing thinking, "okay now he will go play." Nope. After you throw the ball it starts ALL OVER AGAIN. He is OCD for his ball. Just that one - can't be any other one - has to be THAT ONE BALL that is falling to shreads. He is so desperate to play with this ball that he will force small children to help him with his addiction............. said video...............

Poor OCD Jake - his ball just died.........what will he do now?

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