Thursday, July 16, 2009

Up Up Up............Climbing Pics

You might have already seen this on my facebook stuff.........but I wanted to make certain to share it with those of you who are "Non" facebook users too - because it was just too cool for the kiddo's. Even TheKing had fun.........although he was only ever there for drop off and pick up - he charmed some of the instructors and played around during the times that we watched the kids climbing.

Anyway...........this place is just toooooo cool in my eyes. It is kinda like the City Museum because it is a recycled building that is giving tons of fun back into the community instead of just being an empty eyesore. I don't know much of the history and because of camera battery issues I didn't get many pics...........but have I mentioned how cool it is? An old Grain Silo turned into a rock climbing company WITH a house inside? Yes seriously..............the larger silo at the end is also a house that was built by the original owners. The years of architecture classes makes me really really really want to see that..........but the person who lives there was never present to ask.

This was one camp that BOTH of the Olders LOVED. There was not a single morning the whole week where either of them complained - that I had to encourage them to get ready - that there was bickering..............they were both totally into it the whole time.

SuperStar made it all the way to the top of one of the skinny grain silos - and of course that was when my camera battery failed. Arrhghghgh!!!! She was very very proud. It was so fun to watch her do it. Both kids learned to tie their own knots to harness themselves - which completely impressed me and BigGuy too (he was secretly proud of his BoyScout knot tying stuff).

Spidey was a bit more reserved. He spent a great deal of his time on a lower wall - climbing part way up and then throwing himself down onto the mats. Figures. He did however, make it up to the top of one of the lower walls. I had come in that afternoon to pick them up and was almost shocked to see him so high up because I knew he had reservations about doing that - then SuperStar came over (while rooting him on at what a great job - I swear to goodness my jaw was on the ground hearing her root him on) and said, "I told him if he made it all the way to the top he could have a sleepover in my room tonight." Darned if he didn't make it.

Have I mentioned how completely cool I thought this was for them? We will most certainly be signing up for this again. And probably doing it ourselves too.

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