Monday, July 20, 2009

The Invisible Train

Those of you who know me and LOVE me (because you can't really KNOW me and NOT love me - I mean seriously - the only people who DON'T adore me really have no clue what I am about - take the time, get to know me and you will totally LOVE me) know that I am always thinking something in my head. Always. There is not a moment that I am not thinking. I will admit that a lot of that thinking probably is not comprehendable by anyone but me..............and that much of it might not seem connected..........but it is ALL connected.

So what is this a picture of? Well that is Invisible Train!

Clearly you can see it can't you? It is Not Right There!

We sat at this train passing three times this week. We almost never see trains unless we are downtown near the train station and Amtrak comes in. So it seemed somewhat odd to me that this particular week we would see three at this crossing and another one at the crossing out near our house. So by the time this train came by I was already wondering.............why am I seeing so many trains this week?...........what is the significance? this supposed to be a sign of something?

And then it hit me...........this is an Invisible Train that symbolizes something I have been thinking of a lot lately............the Divorce Train.

No, I am not thinking about getting a divorce - well I am thinking about getting a divorce - but not a divorce for myself. In the past year I have known 7 Couples who have decided to get a divorce. It is almost like an Invisible Train is making its way down the tracks through all my friends and they are getting on - quietly - and I do mean quietly.............five of those couples didn't even seek to look at trying to work things out. One said that she felt it coming on for two years - but didn't let her husband in on the feeling until she was ready to jump on the train. And apparently he jumped on too before it could pull out. Which completely surprises me.........

Aren't we the generation that loves to go to get Therapy? Or is that our parents generation? I would have to google that.

Anyway.........seems to me that people who once loved one another - and who are married for more then a few years - and who are not in an abusive or hurtful relationship - would seek some type of couples counseling or SOMETHING before calling it quits. Maybe I am wrong though. Maybe since the train isn't coming for me I don't really understand...........

So I sit here on the side of the tracks........thankful for my happy marriage........knowing that marriage is a hard, very hard, sometimes impossible relationship that takes a lot of time and work.......and sometimes takes no effort at all.......and is a wonderful, comfortable, bestfriend and lover relationship that I am thankful for even in the harder moment............wishing that others wouldn't jump on the Invisible Divorce Train until they sorted through the baggage first.........because each of them seemed like good loving couples.....

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