Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Omigoodness - He Did It!!!

I know.........in the scheme of things we have NOT been potty training all that long. I dabbled in it really - bought the stuff - stuck him on the potty - had some success, but really never got very far with it. Even started into the anger phase of it all personally. Well...........TheKing probably got a bit peeved too since there was no consistancy for what he did - BigGuy and I dangled rewards over his head that he never achieved - and he really never learned WHY he should use the bathroom. So in all fairness to TheKing - BigGuy and I were stinkin' up the joint when it came to being good Potty Trainers.

and then came a simple suggestion attached to much LOVE and PRAISE for a book by my friend F.................she writes Stranger Then Fiction. In a Facebook comment to something I wrote about potty training she suggested the book Toilet Training In Less Than A Day. (don't click and look inside - this is just a pic I found on a website) I will be very honest - love F, but really thought "what fool would think you could train you kid to use the potty in a day?" I knew there was a catch. And then the week from awful place happened (the kids don't like it when I say H - E - double hockey sticks). I was just an awful mom. I was in tears almost everyday because I was certain I was the worst mom ever. And most of it was directed at TheKing because he was being the worst too. Only I am the big kid in this so really to blame a 3 year old didn't make much sense. I stepped back a bit - looked at what was going on - and figured that if we could potty train successfully it would take some of our edge out - and if we could spend more time snuggling it would take the rest of hte edge out.

That was the plan.

The only flaw was - potty training sucks (sorry kids had to use that one) and I had tried all my tricks. We (TheKing and I - because let's be honest - BigGuy is lucky enough to get out of this shit (used as a pun - I am not a big curser) were to the point that HE was bartering his pee and poop to me - "I will pee on the potty if you give me a cookie."

BigGuy took the kids to SuperStars softball game. I had TheKing. We went to the bookstore. We only have 2 and a half bookstores here - you big city kids are Sooooooo Lucky in that respect. Anyway.........first book store I can't find it......helper dudette looks it up - hmmmmmmmmmmmmm seems to have been sold out for eternity with 4 orders and a full order of 9 books coming in next week. "It is a very popular book. Hey, did you know Dr. Phil had a thing on potty training just this week. I think he based his suggestions on this book. Want me to order you a copy?"

Of course NOW - because it is sold out and completely unavailable to me - I totally HAVE TO HAVE this book. Crap (pun intended) figures Dr. Phil would do a thing on it - now every mom that watches his show will be buying this. Speaking of which - I have never ever seen Dr. Phil on tv around here - when is that on?

So I order a copy and push on to the .5 book store. Also known as Target. No copy there. So I move down the road to Borders..............no helper dudette or dude there. And find the book - tucked into a place it doesn't belong - which is probably good for me because I found it. Why? Who knows.........I knew it was there somewhere and didn't want to leave without it. Why it was in the breastfeeding section I have no idea - don't really even care - just glad it was.

And it said - you have to have a potty chair & a baby that pees. I am 1 book in now - so we go buy the toilet - BabyDaddy can pee if we make him.

I showed BigGuy the book. He had little faith - but he wasn't the one that was dealing with the shit - so he said "Go for it". Then he left with Spidey to BoyScout camp for the weekend. SuperStar and I were left.

Sunday morning came and we began training...........I could bore you with all the details............but really haven't I bored you enough already? Instead I will say...........he was trained by 1pm!!! I Kid You NOT! And in the afternoon he came to me and said, "Mommy I need to poop on the potty". And I looked around for my child - recognized him - embraced him - and thanks F for the book.

But I still thought...........tomorrow is another day. We will see.

And the next day.....he woke dry......went on the potty.......we went shopping and he said, "Mommy I need to poop on the potty" and he did...........

And now he says things like, "I want to keep my body clean" and I think I may have bought my last package of pull ups.


Jeannette E. Spaghetti said...

Someday, he's going to be really mad that you posted that photo! (But I LOVE it!!! SO cute!)


mjblaze said...


Franchesca said...

The reason I picked the book in the beginning is because it was based on operant conditioning.. and reinforcing STAYING dry.. rather that GOING potty is soooooo much easier to do. I am a very lazy person. I'm really glad it worked for you. It's an incredibly frustrating process, I've been through it many many times in many many forms and because of the kids I watch, I don't get to always pick how the kids are trained. This one really really works if the kids are physically ready for it. Luckily, both of my own children were, so it was perfect for us. Now, you just have to emotionally handle all those "big boy" changes he's going to be going through now. Potty training makes them grow up so fast. It's like a whirl wind after that. *sniffles*