Sunday, July 19, 2009

Oopps We Did It AGAIN!!!

I forgot to mention our neighborhood Stepford 4th of July Parade. Okay, maybe I should lose the "stepford" reference.............while it does seem far beyond perfect around that I know many of the neighbors better I know better then to make fun of them being perfect.

So instead I will refere to it simply as the Neighborhood 4th of July parade - 1 day removed - because it rained ALL DAY LONG on the 4th this year. For a second year in a row the kids voted to decorate the truck instead of individual bike entries. I LOVE this idea because everyone finishes the same - everyone has the chance of getting the Same Exact Prize. BigGuy was a good sport and let us tape things to the truck - although weirdly he felt it important to be very clear that we Could Not Use Duct Tape (like I would do that - someone hide the duct tape please).

It was a fun time though. This year they had 3 bounce house dealies. So we got a call a bit before the parade letting us know they were out there for the kids to play on. And play they did...............jump jump jump...........until they noticed the water balloons............jumping ceased - water balloons were embraced. I quit playing near the kids. It was NOT warm enough for water balloons. It was warm enough for Margaritas though - thank you CK!!

After a bit we lined up in the procession. There were the Fire Trucks, Golf Carts, bikes, a few dirt bike things, 1 other car undecorated, 1 dog and a few walkers.

Our Kids Invited
A Few of their neighborhood friends & piled in the back of the truck. They threw candy again - what they didn't eat. It was all from our Family Candy Box - that is a box we keep (nice plastic one) that holds ALL the candy that comes from parties, halloween, class stuff, etc. It holds A LOT of candy & it was FULL.

After the parade everyone gathers to dig into all the different ice cream treats that are our - sandwiches, fudge bars, bomb pops and push ups. Yum Yum. Then we all sit in the grass - listen to the singers perform and await the moment Spidey & SuperStar are on the edge of their attention spans for...............AWARDS!!
My friend CM (pictured here) took 1st for her Dog Joey - who did a wonderful job in the parade - but he is a good pup!

And Then The Moment We Were
Working Toward ALL YEAR LONG (or at least for 1 day prior).........
The Winner for Best Truck/Car..........drum roll...........
Our FAMILY!!!!
Keep in mind.........we were 1 of only 2 entries.......and we were the only one that was actually decorated in anyway...........

Still.............a win is a win is a win...
and SuperStar & Spidey both love the event.....

We will just add this trophy to the other 2!

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