This picture is of her in the Jungle Dress we made for her. Might I say that it looks very very impressive in the photo - but is two pieces of fabric cut the same and then simply sewn up the sides. No finished edges at all. She wanted it to look kinda raggedy so it looked like she lived in the jungle and someone happened by and found her Tarzan Like swinging around. On Saturday afternoon at 3pm when I told my mom I needed to sew SuperStar a dress for camp I think my mom thought I was insane - then she was what I did and more funny was how impressed she was that so little could be done to make something that made SuperStar soo soo soo soo very happy. We made a matching one for her bestest friend ever CO (MO's daughter). The fabric was only $7.00 all together. Total deal. But this isn't so much about my amazing creative abilities.............perhaps it should be though. I rock. There - I said it - someone has to. I Rock!!!
Tomorrow I will Rock more and post drop off pics - and then some pics from our STL trip - and then maybe some pictures of corn.......that should be exciting. Anyone want a special corn picture? Anyone? Think can we picture corn............?
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