Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Ever Popular SuperStar

SuperStar is every grandparents summer entertainment around here. Apparently - and I wouldn't know anything about this - grandparents like to invite their grandkids to stay with them for weeks at a time during the summer months. It is a very odd phenomenon as it is nothing I have ever seen happen personally. I do remember that my grand would take us camping for a week at a time in the summer. She was part of a group called The National Campers and Hikers Association. They went camping places and did stuff together. We were a bit older when we went though. Other then that my grands never did much more then have us over for a weekend night.

Around here however - kids get shipped off to other states to spend time with their granparents. And I can only imagine the things the parents do while they are alone. TheB's kids went to Virginia. Wonder what T&C did that week? We have seen a bunch of kids coming TO our neighborhood to spend time with their grandparents.

And that is where SuperStar comes in.

Selling GirlScout cookies has made her noticed by the grandparents. And as she has walked through the neighborhood this spring and summer - they have come out to greet her and invite her play with their visiting grand daughters. SuperStar has no problem with this.............because TheB's daughter is really the only other girl her age that she plays with - and as I mentioned MissB is out of state.

SuperStar has been swimming at a neighbors, to the Zoo with another neighbor (I know this family personally), over to lunch, had the girls over here for sleepovers, play all the is a nice treat for her. And I dare say it is a nice treat for the grandparents too. Spidey had even gotten into the act this year - as one of the girls has a little brother. Last year we tried to get them together, but the other little boy hit Spidey with a bat. That didn't go over so it wasn't until this year that it was tried again. From SuperStars reports Spidey did pretty well.........except for excessive burping at the table during lunch.

Perhaps I should list the kids in the neighborhood newsletter - and put a price on thier the kids who babysit & petsit.......Spidey & SuperStar can be Grandchild Companions for Hire.

What is a good asking price?

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