So not too long ago our little 2 year old became a 3 year old!! It may have looked like we didn't pay much attention to the event, but that was not at all true. Okay, I suppose that with the cake and the announcement it was obvious we didn't forget - however, it probably isn't as obvious that he had a whole week of Bday. It got to the point that when he got up in the morning he would say, "Is today my birthday?". We would tell him now - but then eventually he would end up receiving a gift and having someone sing the "song" to him. Follow that up with having friends in for the weekend of his party - and that we went to CEC for his party and you have one confused (but incredibly bday happy) 3 year old. So in all we did have a lot of fun. Babers surely knows that he had a birthday and can never claim we let it slide. I do wonder when he will realize that Christmas is not an extention of his bday gifts - because I think there is a blurred line of confusion there.
Happy Birthday Babers!!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
The Big Show
So it seems that the only thing I had time to keep updated in the past two weeks was facebook. That is primarily because there is nothing to that and I had the draw of MyFarm. See - when there is stress related to things generally I will add on by creating more tasks that have no potential side effects if they go Kablooey - creating MyFarm was that this holiday season. No bad results if it failed, yet it gave me another outlet to suck more time away (or you could look at is as a stress release that took only 5 min. each day and gave me a sense of accomplishment when I cleared and planted a field).
However you look at it - now we have some catching up to do after the holidays. We will start with SuperStars Big Show. It was a ton of fun and she did a great job. It was much more serious then I thought when we first became involved - but worth the effort.
She says that she isn't certain she will do it again - that she will decide later. We are pretty certain she will do it again. Spidey is totally on board to do it next year - and that alone will be SuperStar back in the act. I will enjoy it - I will just have to plan for being more organized for the Big Christmas Show too.
However you look at it - now we have some catching up to do after the holidays. We will start with SuperStars Big Show. It was a ton of fun and she did a great job. It was much more serious then I thought when we first became involved - but worth the effort.
She says that she isn't certain she will do it again - that she will decide later. We are pretty certain she will do it again. Spidey is totally on board to do it next year - and that alone will be SuperStar back in the act. I will enjoy it - I will just have to plan for being more organized for the Big Christmas Show too.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Happy Bday Babers!!
Today is the big day - 3!! - yet we have already celebrated his birthday 3 times before today. Lucky boy. Grands were in the weekend to see SuperStars production (pics to come) and we did a little cake action with gifts each day. Today, however, is the big day. We will celebrate by having Chocolate Chip cookies for breakfast - then some play time and lunch with his friend EK at any McDonald's that has a playground (because it is not the food he is seeking). Tonight we have to shift gears a bit and attend a BoyScout holiday party and go caroling to a local retirement center with the GirlScouts - but Saturday is his big party at Chuck E Cheese (something he has been begging for endlessly for weeks!!). It is still amazing to me that he is turning 3 years old!! Has it really been 3 years?
Happy Birthday Stinkerbelle!!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Do You Have a Facebook account?
So do you have a Facebook account? If you do - please look me up - HalfPint. See, I have a counter down on the lower right side of the blog here and it helps me to "check" and see who is coming through - only it just kinda hits on the area in which you readers live - it doesn't give me full names or addresses so I can see who is here and who isn't. For instance - I keep it pretty clean here because I was certain my mother-in-law (whom I truly love - not like so many of my friends who rail on their mother-in-laws - sorry, if you are the MIN of some friend of mine let's just assume I am not talking about you. However, really only JG has yet to complain about her MIN - everyone else has complained a smidge (I fess up to that too - my MIN buys us things all the time - all the time - and we feel awful that she spends so much money buying things - we love her without the money - but we know it is part of her and we have learned to embrace that)). Only, after a recent conversation I learned that she has lost the address and kinda forgot about the blog - so I could have been as raunchy as I wanted and not worried about offending her (I don't worry about the rest of you I guess) - but since St. Louis, MO came up I can't tell if it her, you, my dad, my friends - I just do not know. Plus no one leaves comments but sometimes Household Exec. and Houseful of Boys and News from the Midwest - and some random person correcting me about the real name of the Asian Lady Beetle. So facebook is fun because people actual respond and I get to see what they are doing too.
So anyhoo - let's continue.
Facebook. I was resistant to facebook when my friend BL sent me an invite. Didn't want to have to work the blog and think about updating a bunch of facebook stuff. So I declined joining to see her stuff. Then (sorry BL - I know we have talked about this) we had some difficulty connecting - she isn't a telephone person, she isn't an email person, she just wasn't keeping in touch well - so I joined facebook and then all of a sudden everyone I knew from STL seemed to join and it was kinda fun. Then I sought out our cousins, our nieces and nephews (saw some pictures that are better left unmentioned - although I did have to explain what a hookah was to Spidey - without really explaining why his cousin was dancing in his underwear after having blown smoke rings - we just kinda said "that's the kind of fun you have to look forward to when you go to college" - to which he screwed up his face like we were insane, and we are really....if you think about it). I collected my sister-in-laws. Then BigGuy joined and he showed me how to search High School friends - and now I am collecting them. I have most of my bestest friends from HS and a few that I probably am getting to know better now then I did then. And I find that I am trying to coerce others to join. And they are saying the same thing I did - "I don't want to bother" or "I don't have the time". To which I say - "Please, it's fun and it only takes as much time as you have".
So the only way to really waste a bunch of time on facebook is to take all the tests, play a bunch of games or run a farm (which I do, but unless you are a freak about it that should be quick enough too) - that said, if you join facebook look me up and maybe we can be friends (I am not going to promise we will - but we can think about it).
So anyhoo - let's continue.
Facebook. I was resistant to facebook when my friend BL sent me an invite. Didn't want to have to work the blog and think about updating a bunch of facebook stuff. So I declined joining to see her stuff. Then (sorry BL - I know we have talked about this) we had some difficulty connecting - she isn't a telephone person, she isn't an email person, she just wasn't keeping in touch well - so I joined facebook and then all of a sudden everyone I knew from STL seemed to join and it was kinda fun. Then I sought out our cousins, our nieces and nephews (saw some pictures that are better left unmentioned - although I did have to explain what a hookah was to Spidey - without really explaining why his cousin was dancing in his underwear after having blown smoke rings - we just kinda said "that's the kind of fun you have to look forward to when you go to college" - to which he screwed up his face like we were insane, and we are really....if you think about it). I collected my sister-in-laws. Then BigGuy joined and he showed me how to search High School friends - and now I am collecting them. I have most of my bestest friends from HS and a few that I probably am getting to know better now then I did then. And I find that I am trying to coerce others to join. And they are saying the same thing I did - "I don't want to bother" or "I don't have the time". To which I say - "Please, it's fun and it only takes as much time as you have".
So the only way to really waste a bunch of time on facebook is to take all the tests, play a bunch of games or run a farm (which I do, but unless you are a freak about it that should be quick enough too) - that said, if you join facebook look me up and maybe we can be friends (I am not going to promise we will - but we can think about it).
Sunday, December 14, 2008
He Might Believe, but does He Trust?
We were wandering around the local Walmart the other Sunday. Spidey had to spend the $75 gift card he received from his popcorn sales. While we were there someone approached us and imformed us that Santa would be arriving soon and we should have our photos taken with him - for FREE. FREE is something I am always interested in and even though we all looked like something the cat drug in (although ours are indoor cats so it doesn't really relate) we thought "hey, FREE" and off we went. Santa's set up is not as elaborate at Walmart as in the Mall - no winding toy land to look at, no big ticket pictures to choose from - just all of a sudden in the middle of the isle there he is - on an obvious plank covered with black fabric and a cardboard backing. Very....uh....Walmart. Again though FREE!!
The Olders know that this is not the REAL Santa - just a guy who is there to scope the kids out and figure out what they want for Christmas and report back to headquarters. This is why the Santa's we see vary in shape, size, age, color and so forth. Babers isn't quite to that realization yet though so he was a bit put off about going up to see him. Last year he had nothing to do with it - and the first year it only happened because on my 3rd try he was asleep. Anyhoo - SuperStar was up in a flash - reported in - smiled and then grabbed a candy cane. Spidey was up next - reported in, although slowly because he had to really describe what it was he meant (there was no line and this Santa had literally just started so he didn't mind the long hesitation in description) - grabbed a candy cane and left.

Now, as you can see - Babers wasn't sure about the whole thing. He didn't want to go over - in fact after Spidey he still didn't want to go and we let two other little girls go first. Then we decided not to wait to have him decide, I picked him up, plopped him down and stood RIGHT NEXT to him while touching him on the head for reassurance until the picture was about to be taken. I am just to his right and he is leaning in to get ready to hop off toward me - which he did as soon as the picture was taken. He at least understood what happens in the picture deal - with all the photo shoots we seem to do lately. He didn't even tell Santa what he wanted. He did hesitate long enough to take a candy cane - two of them - looked back at Santa, held up the candy cane and said, "This from Santa. Open pease."
He doesn't trust that guy. Maybe he can tell he isn't really Santa, but doesn't get the "report in to the Big Guy" status he holds. Maybe next year. Still - good picture.
The Olders know that this is not the REAL Santa - just a guy who is there to scope the kids out and figure out what they want for Christmas and report back to headquarters. This is why the Santa's we see vary in shape, size, age, color and so forth. Babers isn't quite to that realization yet though so he was a bit put off about going up to see him. Last year he had nothing to do with it - and the first year it only happened because on my 3rd try he was asleep. Anyhoo - SuperStar was up in a flash - reported in - smiled and then grabbed a candy cane. Spidey was up next - reported in, although slowly because he had to really describe what it was he meant (there was no line and this Santa had literally just started so he didn't mind the long hesitation in description) - grabbed a candy cane and left.

Now, as you can see - Babers wasn't sure about the whole thing. He didn't want to go over - in fact after Spidey he still didn't want to go and we let two other little girls go first. Then we decided not to wait to have him decide, I picked him up, plopped him down and stood RIGHT NEXT to him while touching him on the head for reassurance until the picture was about to be taken. I am just to his right and he is leaning in to get ready to hop off toward me - which he did as soon as the picture was taken. He at least understood what happens in the picture deal - with all the photo shoots we seem to do lately. He didn't even tell Santa what he wanted. He did hesitate long enough to take a candy cane - two of them - looked back at Santa, held up the candy cane and said, "This from Santa. Open pease."
He doesn't trust that guy. Maybe he can tell he isn't really Santa, but doesn't get the "report in to the Big Guy" status he holds. Maybe next year. Still - good picture.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Make New Friends
Well, we are working on making new friends. Spidey and SuperStar are doing pretty well. Honestly I think I am doing pretty well - and BigGuy has his work friends (he could use some "doing things buddies" though) - but Babers kinda plays with all the people we play with. Except for a few he because there is CC (only he is 5) and NO (only he lives in Peoria) and hopefully school will bring about a few more - however, he has scored a neighbor friend - which is better then any other type of friend because they can come over and play - whenever - and their mom will drop them off to go do errands - and their mom will let Babers be dropped off so his mom (me of course) can do errands - thus creating a new friend for me too (she is super sweet and nice). So Yea!! for new friends - and as the GirlScout song goes.....
Make New Friends, (EK and CK are the new)
but Keep the Old (the rest of you are the old)
one is Silver
and the others Gold (I don't know who is one and who is the other)
Make New Friends, (EK and CK are the new)
but Keep the Old (the rest of you are the old)
one is Silver
and the others Gold (I don't know who is one and who is the other)
Friday, December 12, 2008
Nutcracker - literally

Thursday, December 11, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
Do You Believe?
We Believe. Santa is real. Although I think that SuperStar has her concerns about it all because others in her class to not believe. She still does. Spidey does. I do. BigGuy does. Babers does, but he isn't really clear on what he believes in. Santa we tell him - although we explain that you never really see Santa. We see his helpers - the people that he hires to "get us excited" about the season - or the helpers that the mall hires to get us "excited about spending money" SuperStar pointed out. Is Santa white? Some think so. Is Santa black? Some think so. Do we know? Nope. What we do know is Santa is watching out for us - he is thinking about us - he is hoping that we do our best in life (he kinda sounds like God, eh?). We also know that our family believes - even if we have yet to decorate our house!! We have done other things - baked breads for gifts - made Christmas cards - had a family picture taken - started to gather treasures to give to those we love - and mailed our letters to Santa.

In the past years we have always mailed our letters off from home. This year we stumbled across a mail box that our post office said Santa leaves each year. They say that in the morning the letters placed in this special mail box disappear. Could be elves picking them up when no one is watching - could simply be Christmas magic.

We aren't sure. We are sure that we placed our letters inside and that a simple trip where I wanted to take one simple picture of my three adorable children to place on the blog seemed to turn into a photo shoot (run on sentence - deal with it). And we also seemed to cause another mom a little stress. See the family in the background there. See the dad all excited about the mail box, pointing it out to his kids. He was also saying, "Oh, we will have to write our letters and mail them from here too." To which the mom responded with, "Well, we do it (and she said how)" to which the kid said, "But I want to mail mine here." to which the mom gave the dad a look that was kinda like, "Don't mess with my Christmas plan - this does not fit in."

Not that I was listening too closely. I was trying to get Spidey to smile. He was insisting on a picture by himself - only he kept looking like this. Finally I asked, "Why don't you smile?" and he said, "Because I want it to look natural." Dude it took us 5 times to look natural - give it up and smile already!! In the end though - we mailed our letters - now we wait....

Some of us more peacefully then others - he was too tired to mail his letter - slept in the car with BigGuy while we had the photo shoot....think there are visions of Sugar Plums dancing in his head?
In the past years we have always mailed our letters off from home. This year we stumbled across a mail box that our post office said Santa leaves each year. They say that in the morning the letters placed in this special mail box disappear. Could be elves picking them up when no one is watching - could simply be Christmas magic.
We aren't sure. We are sure that we placed our letters inside and that a simple trip where I wanted to take one simple picture of my three adorable children to place on the blog seemed to turn into a photo shoot (run on sentence - deal with it). And we also seemed to cause another mom a little stress. See the family in the background there. See the dad all excited about the mail box, pointing it out to his kids. He was also saying, "Oh, we will have to write our letters and mail them from here too." To which the mom responded with, "Well, we do it (and she said how)" to which the kid said, "But I want to mail mine here." to which the mom gave the dad a look that was kinda like, "Don't mess with my Christmas plan - this does not fit in."
Not that I was listening too closely. I was trying to get Spidey to smile. He was insisting on a picture by himself - only he kept looking like this. Finally I asked, "Why don't you smile?" and he said, "Because I want it to look natural." Dude it took us 5 times to look natural - give it up and smile already!! In the end though - we mailed our letters - now we wait....
Some of us more peacefully then others - he was too tired to mail his letter - slept in the car with BigGuy while we had the photo shoot....think there are visions of Sugar Plums dancing in his head?
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Where Does it Come From?
Where does it all come from? I know for a fact that we cleaned out our house when we moved - lots of junk - my motto was "if we don't need it donate it" - "if it needs fixin' toss it". When I ran out of stuff to clean I headed over to SS's house to organize there - she invited me, however she totally blocked my brutal methods of really clearing things out. Once we moved and unpacked stuff we donated at least a half a truck load a month. Each week it seemed I was stopping by the GoodWill to drop off a donation of clothes, toys, stuff the people before us left - always something. Then we finished the basement and cleaned out stuff 6 months after moving in and donated another few truck loads. We have only had 1 Christmas and 1 round of birthdays since moving here. We no longer live close enough that the Grands who love to gift can drop by giant bags of clothes or toys for the kids "just becaue they love them". We no longer live near the Grand who loves to hit the great yard sales and find some really remarkable prices on stuff we don't really need, but love to have - and yet still - WE HAVE A TRUCK LOAD OF STUFF TO DONATE!!!!
Ack!! Where does it all come from?? How do we keep it from happening?
Friday, December 5, 2008
Girls Night Out
Now like many others this title is a bit misleading. This is about a Girls Night Out - there were girls - there were drinks - there was makeup - there was tasty food - I hosted - there were probably about 30 of us - the girls did get a bit loud - unfortunately most of the girls were under 10 years old. What does this tell me?
This tells me that my life is beginning to revolve around Girl Scouts. Not that this is a negative thing. Love the GS's, especially my troop of girls. Just thinking maybe it is time to have a Girls Night Out with someone who is of drinkin' age - or better yet - maybe an Adults Night Out with BigGuy - or even better - maybe an Adults Weekend (here - somewhere - anywhere).
Back to this though - SuperStar had a lot of fun and asked if I would post some pics from the GNO with the GS's. We earned a badge in a night - I shoudl know what it is called as I put it together, but it was something about Healthy Me or something. Originally this event was to be at our school - because there were a lot of little girls and their parents planning to attend - too many for a house really. Lucky for me though, the school secretary forgot to schedule us in a gym at the school - even though I sent her our dates many many moons ago (no, I swear to goodness I am not bitter about this) - and thus the event happened at my house during my mini nervous breakdown event this week (it was a silent breakdown - no one really noticed it if they didn't live in our house - just too much all at once - hoidays coming - travling close together - and yes, I would have enjoyed an adult beverage that night). Anyhoo - we did have fun - we earned a badge - the girls truly enjoyed themselves and they were incredibly sweet and excited about all of it. My Negative Nelly attitude going into it was transformed by the end of the evening.
However, I Swear As God Is My Witness (channeling Scarlet O'Hara here) - that my next Girls Night Out will include woman over 21 - and there will be adult beverages!!
This tells me that my life is beginning to revolve around Girl Scouts. Not that this is a negative thing. Love the GS's, especially my troop of girls. Just thinking maybe it is time to have a Girls Night Out with someone who is of drinkin' age - or better yet - maybe an Adults Night Out with BigGuy - or even better - maybe an Adults Weekend (here - somewhere - anywhere).
Back to this though - SuperStar had a lot of fun and asked if I would post some pics from the GNO with the GS's. We earned a badge in a night - I shoudl know what it is called as I put it together, but it was something about Healthy Me or something. Originally this event was to be at our school - because there were a lot of little girls and their parents planning to attend - too many for a house really. Lucky for me though, the school secretary forgot to schedule us in a gym at the school - even though I sent her our dates many many moons ago (no, I swear to goodness I am not bitter about this) - and thus the event happened at my house during my mini nervous breakdown event this week (it was a silent breakdown - no one really noticed it if they didn't live in our house - just too much all at once - hoidays coming - travling close together - and yes, I would have enjoyed an adult beverage that night). Anyhoo - we did have fun - we earned a badge - the girls truly enjoyed themselves and they were incredibly sweet and excited about all of it. My Negative Nelly attitude going into it was transformed by the end of the evening.
However, I Swear As God Is My Witness (channeling Scarlet O'Hara here) - that my next Girls Night Out will include woman over 21 - and there will be adult beverages!!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
What I like about Winter
Seems that not everyone likes winter. I don't get it - yeah, I hear what they say - "It is dangerous to drive in the snow or ice", "It is too cold", "They hate to bundle up in restrictive clothing", "There is little sunlight", "Can't go outside" - blah blah blah. I like winter. I like summer, fall and kinda spring too (spring is a little too squishy for my real liking - constant floor cleaning it bothersome). Winter gets a bad wrap though.

My good friend, MC, pictured above blowing out her bday Pumpkin Bread cake candles, started complaining about winter as soon as the temp dipped cold enough for her to need a jacket when she did her morning walk. She and I differ on all counts (pun intended for those in the know) about winter. I love it - she hates it. The only thing we agree on is the "gray" skies can get overwhelmingly depressing. If only snowy winter days could be like they are in the movies - snowy, beautiful blue skies and super cold with a fire and a big old mug of something warming - which brings me to something I like about snowy days...........

a nice cup of something warming. Irish Coffee.....mmmmmm....Okay, I will fess up - generally I don't put any Irish Cream in my coffee on snowy days, but this time I did and I took a picture of it to make it look like I am sophisticated enough to do it all the time. Really........well I was rooting through the cabinet looking for the things to make the kids some from scratch cocoa because we didn't have any instant and I ran across this from last winter - I already had some coffee made so I thought I would give it a go. Heard that whiskey can help a cough out and I have been coughing for 5 days now. Didn't help my cough, but it certainly warmed me up a bit and it was tasty.

So back to what I like about snowy days - well..........they are beautiful. It is just gorgeous the way the snow seems to erase the no longer blooming landscape and replace it all with a gorgeous landscape. It makes you want to stay home, play games and snuggle. It really is transforming.

Another thing I like - well, for some reason the kids think that BigGuy is the only one capable of building things in the snow - so they beg HIM to go out with them. No one appears to think that I might be of any use in building things in the snow - so I am left alone. It becomes my task to bundle them up and lay out some dry warm clothes for when they come in. Prep some type of body warming treat and then sit - inside - alone - to do whatever I want - for at least 30 minutes - while my absolutely gorgeous husband frolicks outside with the children. How great is that?

However, I have still not gotten over the absolute joy of having a garage. While all that stuff is dumping outside I am sitting inside thinking about how just a little over a year ago I would have to scrap my car off while standing in the freezing weather. I LOVE THE GARAGE - and the fact that if I need to go somewhere I just walk out into the "Heated" garage, jump into the car, open up the door with a button and drive away...................gotta love that!
My good friend, MC, pictured above blowing out her bday Pumpkin Bread cake candles, started complaining about winter as soon as the temp dipped cold enough for her to need a jacket when she did her morning walk. She and I differ on all counts (pun intended for those in the know) about winter. I love it - she hates it. The only thing we agree on is the "gray" skies can get overwhelmingly depressing. If only snowy winter days could be like they are in the movies - snowy, beautiful blue skies and super cold with a fire and a big old mug of something warming - which brings me to something I like about snowy days...........
a nice cup of something warming. Irish Coffee.....mmmmmm....Okay, I will fess up - generally I don't put any Irish Cream in my coffee on snowy days, but this time I did and I took a picture of it to make it look like I am sophisticated enough to do it all the time. Really........well I was rooting through the cabinet looking for the things to make the kids some from scratch cocoa because we didn't have any instant and I ran across this from last winter - I already had some coffee made so I thought I would give it a go. Heard that whiskey can help a cough out and I have been coughing for 5 days now. Didn't help my cough, but it certainly warmed me up a bit and it was tasty.
So back to what I like about snowy days - well..........they are beautiful. It is just gorgeous the way the snow seems to erase the no longer blooming landscape and replace it all with a gorgeous landscape. It makes you want to stay home, play games and snuggle. It really is transforming.
Another thing I like - well, for some reason the kids think that BigGuy is the only one capable of building things in the snow - so they beg HIM to go out with them. No one appears to think that I might be of any use in building things in the snow - so I am left alone. It becomes my task to bundle them up and lay out some dry warm clothes for when they come in. Prep some type of body warming treat and then sit - inside - alone - to do whatever I want - for at least 30 minutes - while my absolutely gorgeous husband frolicks outside with the children. How great is that?
However, I have still not gotten over the absolute joy of having a garage. While all that stuff is dumping outside I am sitting inside thinking about how just a little over a year ago I would have to scrap my car off while standing in the freezing weather. I LOVE THE GARAGE - and the fact that if I need to go somewhere I just walk out into the "Heated" garage, jump into the car, open up the door with a button and drive away...................gotta love that!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Snow Much Fun
Mother Nature couldn't have found a more accurate way to say "Time for the Winter Holidays" then to start dumping some festive looking snow our way! We had fun with it too. Well, the kids and BigGuy went out in it - I chose to remain indoors mixing up some "from scratch" hot cocoa for them to sip on when they came in. Not that I don't like the white stuff - I am just trying to keep warm this weekend. What a nice way to start the season!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
How He Gets Out of Things
This morning I heard Babers get up. He called out to me a few times and then started down the staircase. Our staircase has a turn in it at at the turn from the there is a window that stretches from the floor half way up the very high wall and then another window that starts and stretches to the ceiling (no I don't clean the high one). Babers had stopped in front of the window to squeal about the Overnight Surprise we receieved - snow - and not just a smidge of snow but a good 2" of it. SuperStar also did the same. I heard her walk down the staircase and stop and take in her breath and just kinda squeak (see that big area lends itself to echo). Spidey was snuggled next to me in bed and didn't seem to take in what any of the others could be excited about. Later he got up and went directly into his room. I thought perhaps to put some clothes on and head outside - only he never came back out. After going downstairs, feeding Babers (who said that it was "too cold" to go out and play in the snow) and making coffee I wandered back up to see what Spidey was doing. He was sitting playing in the "sleepover room" he and SuperStar had set up the night before. They planned to have a sleepover in his room the previous night - only he fell asleep at 7pm!! Seriously! I told you all we are exhausted. So anyway, I asked him if he had looked outside yet - he got up, pulled back his curtain and just stood there - making funny breathing noises. He was totally excited too - only he seemed to feel the same way Babers did - his focus was "do we have to go to school?" - of course I told him "no", but only because it is Sunday (didn't mention that part though - let him have his moment right?).
Anyway, today was the day that BigGuy set aside to clear the yard of the tree limbs, the leaves (his plan was to burn them - can't say I am sad that won't be happening), dismantle the trampoline (which I have been asking to do for a month now) and hang the Christmas lights (which he says is super quick and easy). Only now we have snow - enough snow that he can't see the leaves - can't easily move the tree limbs about (although my guess is he will do this one because tomorrow is the last pick until spring) and it is not at all safe to be using a ladder on the icey ground. So he gets out of doing it. Another year. Or - worse yet - he will hang the lights on an icey rainy day like he did last year because he procrastinated.
I swear to goodness that he checked the weather and knew what was happening this weekend - because he took it pretty leisurely on those other cool, but sunny days this weekend.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Family Giving
The weekend before Thanksgiving we had the luck to gather all of BigGuy's siblings together in one home - BigGuy's brothers house and his wife, Household Exec. We made a big meal - we rocked out with the help of the game RockBand - we watched the kids play together (remember getting together with your cousins when you were a kid?) and to add to the special feeling of how lucky we are to have one another we decided to create something special to give back to our communities. To do this we made some of the super easy Fleece Tie Blankets. In all I think we made 6 of them. Pretty much everyone participated at some time or another in making them. Either by donation of the fabric, creative work put in, watching the younger kids not able to be around the needles, or just taking a nap on the floor and keeping the room warm for us (Uncle C). Although the original intent was to share with the younger kids the gift of giving to others, in the end the adults were really the ones given the gift. We were all in a room, we shared out time, had serious talks, shared our thoughts and plans and experiences with one another and were drawn a little closer. This is probably the most special gift because it is not often that we had unteethered time together to just relax and be ourselves and touched each others lives. Plus, in the end we had created beautiful and warm blankets to touch someone elses life with. How cool is that?
We had so much fun we have already made plans for the next Get Together. This time it will be at our house - we are so looking forward to the crush (in a positive way) of our family filling up the house!!
We had so much fun we have already made plans for the next Get Together. This time it will be at our house - we are so looking forward to the crush (in a positive way) of our family filling up the house!!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Are you Ready?
Are you ready for tomorrow? Turkey Time!! This will be our Second Feast - BigGuy will have created the turkey at both events. He is so talented!! Anyhoo - go through your list - pie crust fixin' - sweet potatoes - cranberries - apples - pumpkin (oh, I have to thaw that out) - basic potatoes - bread - celery - onions - aluminum - turkey bag - injecting liquid - drinks - butter - cream cheese - sugar - etc., etc. Make sure any last minute needs are purchased before noon - because you DO NOT want to be at the grocery store after 12:30 this afternoon or it will be crazy!!
Hurry Up - make your list - bake your heart out - no eating today to make sure you are hungry tomorrow - unless you subscribe to the "have to stretch my stomach out to make room" philosophy (which has never worked for me - but seems to for BigGuy) and prepare for tomorrow FEAST!!!
Mmmmmm.........can you already smell the turkey?
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Service Projects Are My Life
or so it seems.......I do believe that in the past month we have participated in at least 3 service projects - we are going to Christmas Carol in Dec. at a retirement village too and then we are doing one with our family when we are in Columbia, MO coming up. All of them are fun. All of them are for worth while groups. Most of them are with the Girl Scouts. Which leads me to wonder - if I were not the troop leader would I loose my initiative to participate in service projects? Not sure......I am fairly lazy (no really, at heart I am lazy - I am just too worried people will realize how lazy I truly am so I don't act lazy).........I am not going to dwell on that though. I will simply be glad that I get the chance to plan projects and/or participate on projects that allow me to share with my kiddo's what it means to touch others lives in a positive and helpful way.
Besides - it is all fun - here are some pics from when we did a food drive this past weekend - these kids hardly worked at all AND some wonderful woman gave the kids money to have hot chocolate from the Starbucks nearby. How cool is that?
Besides - it is all fun - here are some pics from when we did a food drive this past weekend - these kids hardly worked at all AND some wonderful woman gave the kids money to have hot chocolate from the Starbucks nearby. How cool is that?
Monday, November 24, 2008
Me Either
The children who live in this house appear to have some warped reality about what my desires are.
Oh, did I mention that this is primarily MY blog to talk about OUR family? Too much work running Made By Creative Me - Me In Motion - keeping up with all of you on facebook and running what was the Family Blog all by myself. So now This Blog is MY blog since it was always really mine anyhoo. Plus, SuperStar is toying with the idea of running a blog - which means I will be a co-supporter there. More about that around Winter Break time.
So anyway, these kids seem to have a warped idea of what I want to do for fun. See....each day they come home from school. There is a snack - sometimes very healthy and sometimes not so healthy. On the healthy days it goes something like this -
"Oh I don't want apple slices for a snack. Can I have something sugary?"
"No, I already prepared the apple slices. Have them and maybe later you can have something else."
To which they respond, "All you ever want us to do is eat healthy. You eat healhty all the time."
I am baffled by this. If I ate healthy all the time wouldn't I look a little better? Wouldn't we NOT have candy, chocolate, baked goods and such in the house?
So snack is over and it is time for homework. Since I am often consulted on how to do homework I hang around in the kitchen - which is where homework is done here. I empty the dishwasher, start making dinner if need be, wipe counters or do a load of laundry. Things I would much rather avoid doing - but since I am being held hostage in the kitchen I figure I should work on. As I do, the children complain about doing homework. Most everyday Spidey and I do a dry run on his spelling test so that he can practice.
"All you ever want us to do is our homework. You never want to have fun or to let us watch tv." Usually this is more Spidey then SuperStar - she went through this a few years ago.
"Yep, I am a homework maniac." I might respond. "That is all I ever think about - give me some homework, I need some homework, Jonesin' for some homework."
I want them to go somewhere and be quiet. I want to go down in my craft room and close the door and do something crafty. I want to go to the gym. I want to read a book. I want to watch Oprah - is her show even on anymore? It has been soooooooooooo long since I have actually seen it. I want to do ANYTHING that is not standing in my kitchen working on homework and hearing complaints about the snack I provided if it isn't chocolate coated.
Unfortunately - I don't get what I want so Bring on the Homework!!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Why Face Painters Should Be Illegal........... how cute are they? Totally adorable. Everyone loves to have their face painted and become someone else. Even if you stay yourself - the face paint is like a temporary tattoo that fancies you up without the permanance. However, there is a dark side to face painting...........Duhn Duhn Duuuhhhnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.....
What? How could that be? Look how cute this little man is - sitting there, holding still for something (which in itself is amazing). Looking so peaceful, hopeful and happy......Yes.......however, after having experienced Face Painting, after having had many people tell him how darn cute he was, after being so proud to be a Blue Tiger........
He did THIS with his paints...........
and he did THIS with his markers!!..............
BigGuy found himself impressed with the marker rendition of the Blue Tiger. He looks like he truly attempted whiskers and managed to succeed - in a way.
And This is why FacePainting should be Illegal. No, no, no, don't try to blame an inattentive parent. When he did the marker thing he was sitting at my feet coloring a character in a book - secretly coloring his face - maybe I wansn't looking at him, but hey, he was at my FEET!!!!! I wasn't worried. I know it is all suggestion of experience made when he had his Face Painted!!
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