Thursday, March 19, 2009

Guess Who's Back.....

Sunny!! Forgot to mention that Sunny came home the end of February. There was so much going on at once I am just now catching up. Why the pic of her licking her lips? Well, this photo was taken within a few minutes of her being dropped off. As her mom and I talked in the garage she was inside eating the cake that was on the counter cooling! I kid you not - totally let it slip my mind what a dessert lover she was. Most likely she was thinking, "Hey, she baked a cake to welcome me back!!"

We have since been very careful about leaving things out. Sunny has also been very polite about sniffing things before taking them - which gives us more time to tell her to step back - until this morning - she decided to help herself to some Cocoa Roo's.........chocolate tends to be everyone's down fall.

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