Monday, March 30, 2009

The Week of Chicago

We weren't IN Chicago for a week (we would not be able to afford the hotel bill), but I was thinking we would talk about it for a week so that I wasn't cramming EVERYTHING into one post (and also allowing myself a longer stretch of content to make a daily blog last a week). This works for me so that I can try to make less typos and not shorten stories - or perhaps make short stories seem longer. Who knows - I am still tired from all the walking (so this may not make any sense at all) - which was one of my favorite things about Chicago (not the Not Making Sense part, but the Not needing a car part).

So for the next week we will talk about:
* The Train
* The Hotel (gross)
* The Walking
* The Museums (we hit 3)
* The Zoo
* Lincoln Park (because I could live there - BigGuy said this outloud too)
* The People
* The solidarity TheKing found
* The Public Transit (very cool)

Hmmmmm......that is 9.......can a week last 9 days? Let's see......maybe we will skip "The People" since you can find people everywhere you go and no one stands out much".

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