Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Maybe It's Me.......but I find this Damn Funny!

So the other day I am talking to the kiddo's about this and that. Acronyms come up. You know - those fun and confusing short versions of long explanations or titles. Like CEO - which I still never really get right - is it Chief Executive Officer? or Chief Educational Organizer? or both? I think I must be a CEO - if it is the latter description. Anyway, the conversation we had that day was something around the same sort of confusion. "Mom, what does blah blah blah mean." and I said something inspired that made them happy and content with the world because they knew their mom knew EVERYTHING.

For you Newer Moms - That Is The Way You Want It - You Want Your Children To Believe You Know Everything!! Even more then their dad - but let the kids think Dad knows EVERYTHING there is to know about things you aren't interested in doing. Like for me - that would include putting together the game, Mouse Trap (hate that thing!) and any of those robots that turn into cars or monsters - oh, Transformers (hate those too) and how to put together train tracks (only because then they tear them up and that drives me insane).

But that is not what I found Damn Funny - the acronym thing ties in - but the New Mom Tips don't. Here is the funny - and know that the following content may not be advised for small children (or children you don't want to explain sex things to). So I will rate this PG-16 - although unfortunately I believe 13 year olds already understand these acronyms. Now - there are 2 school districts in our area (you will need that info later).

I am in the car coming home from Michael's (unneeded info, but now you have a mental picture - know too that I am happy, just spent almost an hour browsing for nothing and being bothered by no one - aaahhh....). I am listening to the new tape (ooops, dated myself - CD - that I just bought at Target - Target rocks!). I am totally by myself so my mind is Able to Wander. I am sitting at a light waiting to turn left (more not needed info). There is a Gigantic SUV in front of me. So I am totally noticing the back end because it is taking up all the space in my view. Wonder if that lady off roads in her gargantuan SUV? Wonder if she camps and needs the space for her tent? Wonder if she uses the SUV for anything other then loading it up with crap she buys? With cars like that sucking up gas how can our economy be suffering? I I am looking at the backend of her car. Oh, I see a bumper sticker. It says in blue letter with a white border on a blue background - BJHS - simple and to the point - they are in one school district (not ours). It is the acronym of a local Junior High School. I think about the fact the BJ is unfortunate. Who wants to go to a school that can easily be called Blow Job High School? Made me think of the story I heard about why in our district the schools are also still called Jr. Highs - because one of their names starts with a P - a middle school would have made the acronym PMS - PreMenstral School - no one wanted that so it is PJHS. Not bad - probably less teasing then PMS. Poor BJ. Bet the boys at BJ love the name once they figure out the joke though. I can hear the jokes........boys are dumb. Then I think maybe their district should change the name of Jr. Highs to Middle School to avoid the BJ acronym - hmmm.............maybe I should write them a letter about my brilliant idea........oh wait....that would make them BMS. Wonder which is worse - Bowel Movement School or Blow Job High School?

Hope my kids never ask me about those acronyms.

Perhaps I shouldn't be given time to have Free Thinking.......

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