Monday, March 16, 2009

Tears, Pancakes, Helicopters, Small Planes, Large Planes, BigGuy & Quarters........

This morning (you are probably reading this yesterday) BigGuy went on a business trip. He has done this before. However, he has never flown on a plane while doing this. He has generally driven. Sometimes he is gone for 2 days, once he was in training for almost a week, but usually his trips are simple overnight kinda deals. We have never seen him off at the airport. Not for anything now that I am thinking about it. Although SuperStar has had us thinking about it for at least 2 days. Tearfully she has gone on and on about how much she will miss BigGuy.

Why oh why oh why oh why does Daddy have to go????????????? Why?????????? She says this in a way that would make you think BigGuy were never coming back - or that he was going to something terrible and he didn't want to go either. But he isn't. He will be back - probably sooner then he would want to be (although he does love us dearly - or so he professes). She literally worked up tears on and off for the entire day yesterday - worsened when I made her (yes, forcefully almost) get her hair cut to try to even out the bang whacking she gave herself 10 months ago - the crying only lessened when we let her pick the restaurant for dinner. BigGuy blames this drama on pre-pms stuff. Only that should be years off (please let it be years off). I blame this on......actually I have nothing to blame it on. But I do have a complaint to lodge:

Why doesn't anyone notice when I go on a trip and am gone for days? Where is the drama for the Mama? For the most part they hardly even notice when I arrive back home. What is up with that?

So to try to make the whole BigGuy Leaving for a horrible business trip to Sunny Florida seem more manageable for the kids - we took them to breakfast. There is a cute restaurant with Fabulous pancakes that has relocated right on the airport grounds. You can sit and watch the planes come in and out - is a smallish (yet impressive) airport - so really you don't see anything happen out the windows, but there is the promise of the possibility - and the pancakes are very good. The kids were excited - they even almost stopped crying (by this morning SuperStar had Spidey all upset too - in fact we ALL slept together last night - after SuperStar wept dramatically for at least 30 minutes).

At breakfast we got really lucky. There was a helicopter parked right outside the window. It was at least cool to look at - TheKing thought that was a humdinger cool thing - and started up half way through our meal and TOOK OFF!!

Right after that we watched a smaller plane tool around a bit - wait, that might have been right before we came in and then as we were leaving it pulled up just to the side of the window. That was cool too. So even though we didn't see any big planes take off - we saw a lot of little cool things. Well worth the meal - even though (through tears and stubborn behavior) we spent a fortune on food SuperStar talked us into a gigantic plate of breakfast food that she didn't eat.

The next adventure was getting BigGuy into the airport. Tiny airport (compared to those that I have been in - which are only major cities so far), but very nice. They had a nice check in area, two water fountains, a restaurant, a bakery, a little coffee stop, nice seating, sculptures depicting I am not sure what that the kids loved playing on - and lots of adults to look on at my pathetic children weeping endlessly as BigGuy took his shoes off and passed through the security area that we were not allowed to go into. The sobbing - the hands on the glass - the "what if he never comes back" questions - the "why can't we go in there too?" - and the chasing of TheKing back away from the security area. I tried to talk everyone into settling in where we could watch the plane taxi out and take off. Nope - not enough drama in that........we have to be in the center crying and wailing and crying....BigGuy really did miss a performance in his honor.

I tried to take it all in stride. Yep, they sure love him. SuperStar even stopped her weeping for a moment to assure me she had done this for me when she was 4 and I went for a weekend with my friends to a MOMS Club convention in MN. No she didn't - 2 friends left their kiddo's with BigGuy that morning, as soon as those kids showed up SuperStar was gone - I don't even think she noticed we left. was nice of her to try to fake it for me. Kinda.

Eventually they all got bored with milling around waiting for nothing to happen. Because where we were NOTHING was going to happen. So I asked if they wanted to drive around to the plane tower and park and watch the plane leave. No, they wanted to go home and get a movie. What??? Daddy isn't even off the ground yet - you have been crying for days - you don't want to watch the plane take off??? The response was, "No, it is too sad. Can we toss a coin in the waterfall?"

I was stunned, relieved and suddenly very ready to go. "Nope, no coin in the water. I only have quarters." thinking that she had already spent a ton of money at breakfast that we threw away. There were people really close watching the drama though - so I thought it best of me not to look petty. However, SuperStar got me....she stopped right next to a group of older people, they were smiling at us and listening in...."But Mommy I want to throw the coin in to wish that Daddy's plane doesn't crash and he doesn't die. Isn't that worth a quarter to you?"

Crap. "Sure, here is a quarter." Handing everyone a quarter. Crap. The older people smiled at me. We made out way to the water fountains and then to the car - finally!!!

The only thing is - I wanted to see the plane take off - I wanted to wave to my sweetie and think happy thoughts about him. And all of a sudden - the weeping started again. Everyone buckled and the crying began from SuperStar - carried over to Spidey (know now that this is all very manufactured). TheKing began.

"What will we do without Daddy for 3 days?"
"Same stuff." was my answer, "It is ONLY 3 days after all."
"But it might as well be 3 years to me." was the pitiful answer in back.

I fully expected that if we didn't leave soon this was what would happen.....

So we left. Funny one wanted to sit on the back porch and watch for the plane to fly over with me. The boys came out - got on the trampoline - kept asking me to watch them.....I totally missed the plane.

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