Friday, March 27, 2009

This is a quickie story. The other day - after much much rain - we (All the children and I) are doing some errands. The weather had cleared up, but there was still rain all over the ground. In the form of those big ole puddles that are absolutely and undeniably irresistible to children (and some twisted adults - no finger pointing, but you know who you are).

We are all walking from the car to the store. TheKing stomps into a puddle that I wasn't paying attention to - because I was distracted by Spidey who is nonchalantly walking IN FRONT of an oncoming car. This is an ongoing difficulty with him. BigGuy hardly loses his temper, but on many occasions I see him about swipe Spidey across the back of the head in frustration that Spidey will just wander into the row in a parking lot. Unattended (I was holding TheKing's hand, just not paying attention to where he was leading me) TheKing was able to guide me directly into the center of a puddle. Fortunately he didn't have the sense most children to to JUMP hard and make it splash. Still..........I did my best to reprimand TheKing for doing what every other kids does each time there is a puddle. Although I will admit that the puddle was almost unavoidable it was so big. And we went into the store.

Where I was tortured for as long as it took to find and purchase all the items on our list.

Back into the parking lot. This time I told Spidey to walk directly BEHIND me so that he wasn't to either side, I could hold TheKing's hand and still hold the bag (no need for a cart this trip). There was that inescapable puddle. Right there. We could only avoid it if we very carefully walked through the tiny peninsula of concrete. Which I was doing with TheKing - trying to make it a game of skill - "can you make it around the giant monster puddle without getting wet? don't let it get you sweetie."


Remember Spidey - who was standing directly behind me to make certain he wasn't hit by a car. I had him there for HIS safety. What a mistake that was. My whole back end was soaked. I do believe that as soon as he did it he realized his mistake. As I turned his face contorted into a look that I have only seen in the Gay Hobbit movies on the little elves who are about to be conquered by the giant ogre elves. And he was right to look like that.

Next time I am going to let him take his chances with cars. I do believe it is far safer for both of us.

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