Monday, March 23, 2009

Welcome to the World

Baby L was born this past Monday. In fact, today he will be 1 week old!! Happy 1 Week Bday BabyL. Now..........BabyL has the distinction of being the Very First of the next Generation in my family. He is my sisters first Grand Child, my first Great Nephew - my parents first Great Grandchild and I guess my nephews first nephew!

Another interesting fact about him - he doesn't look like us yet!! Usually our kids look a great deal like us. BabyL's mom looks like us - in fact, she looks JUST LIKE SuperStar (or since she is 8 years older I guess SuperStar looks like her). Sorry GranmaR - I know how you like to claim the babies for our own, but this one is not there yet - maybe one of his ears look like ours? (my mom is really good at matching up whose ear looks like whose ear - seriously - I have two different ears - one from each family I have been told).

Still.....regardless of who he looks like he is a perfectly gorgeous beautiful baby. So sweet!!

This pic is BabyL and his mom, my baby niece Mags. I believe she is exactly my mothers age when she had me. She was very sweet watching her baby. Very much a first time mom too. Has things set the way she wants them. Not much interest in taking suggestions from a Mother Hen (me, because I feel like her mom too) who is still raising babies. In fairness though - if I remember right I wasn't interested in others opinions either - until the second child that is - then I was up for whatever time, money and sanity saving tip any stranger off the street had to give me.

Yesterday we went up to visit, give gifts, drop off some homecooked meals and sweet breads and just hang out a bit. It was a full day in the car with a little bit of Baby Snuggle Heaven in between. I love holding our babies (don't want one though - just in case higher powers are paying attention - no baby here thank you - just give me a 5 yr. old) Here is my other favorite picture from yesterday.

My baby holding a baby and looking in love. They are both so beautiful....ack! though - too much future in that picture - lucky for me she was rolling around on the floor a few minutes later claiming how bored she was..........

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