Friday, April 17, 2009

Crazy Hat Day

We were going to skip a day without a post. Figured I would start slowing down a bit. I admire the people who are able to blog everyday about something - the time they put into typing out each blog - the ability to think of something clever or at least interesting to keep peoples attentions. My goal was to try to keep pace with them - noticing of course that they sometimes slow down and keep posts a few days inbetween. So I was going to space a few - like I do with Made By Creative Me (yeah, because those aren't spaced out because I am not finding time to be creative - ha!). Anyway, then last night happened.

SuperStar came home ALL excited about Crazy Hat Day. She had it all planned out that I would drop everything I am doing (because that would only mean we didn't eat dinner or anything else necessary to prepare for the next day - okay, honestly it only meant we wouldn't eat dinner because everything else was done - and honestly, I didn't even really have dinner planned, BigGuy was supposed to be out of town and we were going to have cereal or sandwiches or something - with fruit (that last comment is for MJB)).

So SuperStar comes into the house - she has changed the plan because she will not be staying home with us - she wants to go see her friend, MB, perform in her 3rd grade musical. However, she needs me to help her make a Crazy Hat for the next days Friday Fun Day. I ask her what she is thinking. Well...........what she is thinking is we will find some "flame like" fabric, cut it into flames, get a headband with devil horns on it and then after fashioning the flames together sew them onto the devil horns. What? That sounds like a huge project - we don't have "flame like" fabric - in fact we don't have any scrap fabric, but the fleece we did scarves with. Plus.......that sounds like a huge project to be done in 2 hours for tomorrow. Plus......uuhh...honestly, I just don't want to do it.

My response was, " sewing machine is currently broken due to the needle breaking off into the carriage - sorry that won't work." This was totally true by the way.

SuperStar countered with, "Oh, that is okay, you can just hand sew it all." With a big cute eager smile on her face.

My knee jerk response was, "No way." With a big cute smile on my face.

"Okay, I will sew it all on myself. I know how to do it." With a determined look on her face.

"Well........I don't have time to oversee that project, you are leaving in 2 hours and handsewing all that will be too hard to get done in one night." But my heart felt squishy looking at her determined happy face falling to sadness. So I added, "What about making a Cone Head hat. Daddy can bring home some ice cream cones and we will glue gun them on." She wasn't taking it though so I added, "okay you can use my glue gun and whatever stuff you find in the craft box downstairs to make a Crazy Hat."
The glue gun totally cheered her up and she was off like lightening to create this:

Spidey also wanted into the Crazy Hat Day scene, but he didn't care so much what his hat was. When he heard mention of ice cream cones stuck to his head he was totally on it. He approached me and said simply, "I'll take the Cone Head hat." and the deed was done. We phoned BigGuy - he stopped at the store - Spidey dug up a hat he wanted to use and we glue gunned them on.

The only down side to Spidey's hat is that he sees it as Edible. By the time he left the house he had already eaten the tip to one of the cones off. My guess is by tonight he will have eaten most of his hat.

And that is today - 4/17/09 - Crazy Hat Day!! The post just had to be done.


MJB said...

woo hoo i can now leave a comment! glad you were adding the fruit - i know that makes it all ok:0) Love the hats! Your kids (and their mom) are so creative!

HalfPint said...

yeah!!! a comment from someone I love to hear from - yep, the fruit is all for you and your parenting skills.