Friday, April 24, 2009

Spidey is on a Role

Lately this boy is Killing Me! with his silly statements. He is so quick and sincere about some of the things that he says that I have to hold in the laughter.

Like when he said that I was "too old and married to have a crush on anyone."

The other day he was looking at me as I walked across the room and said, "You got some junk in the trunk." What?????? That one I was pretty sure he didn't get so I asked him what he meant by that - he said, "You have a big butt."

On Easter, as we were making the meal together Spidey said something about how his future wife would be making all the meals because that is what women do. What????? BigGuy was right there and he said something along the lines of, "You mean if your wife enjoys doing the baking. Maybe you will do the baking." (keep in mind that we had all worked together to make the corn bread, chocolate pie, potatoes - BigGuy had done the meat all by himself). Spidey looked at him as if he hadn't been with us the entire morning having FUN helping out and said, "No that is what the women like to do so that is what they are for." What?????????? I knew to let that alone and BigGuy corrected him - nicely. Spidey looked at him - nicely and then trotted away. Before I could say anything BigGuy said, "Well, this is partly because it is what he knows. You love to bake and cook and that is what he sees most of the time." Hmm....maybe - or maybe we need to get BigGuy to do more of the domestic stuff (not that he doesn't do A LOT already - but maybe if he did everything in the kitchen for about - oh 5 years - then Spidey's brain will even out a bit).

Post Script - so to add on a bit about Spidey - this week a few boys in class had a fight. 4 total boys were involved, although it was 3 separate incidents. In 2 of the altercations the word Jackass was used. This one was new to Spidey. He came home FULL of the story about how one boy pushed another - then the other one bit him and then the first one called the other one a Jackass. Spidey also told me the word means Braying Donkey and that he didn't see why that would be a BAD word, but that he knew it was and that people really shouldn't say the word Jackass because the word Jackass could hurt someone's feelings even though it really only means Braying Donkey. So don't say Jackass. Jackass is not nice to say. You get where this is going right? He worked the word into as many sentences demonstrating that you should NOT say it as he could. Yesterday, when he phoned my mom to thank her for the wonderful jelly she makes and gives us, I heard him talking for at least 15 min. about how you should not say the word Jackass.

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